누구나 함께 글을 작성할 수 있는 카테고리입니다. 이 카테고리에 글쓰기

Wer viel fragt, kriegt viel gesagt, Lyrik (1974)
Tarzan kommt von irgendwo, Jugendbuch (1982)
Alles über den Wolpertinger oder Bayerns heimliches Wappentier ist unter uns, Bavarica (1982)
Mein Bär tanzt auf dem Regenbogen, Kinderbuch (1984)
Hilfe! König Ludwig lebt! Theaterstück (1986)
Wortschatz für zünftige und künftige Bayern, Ein Sprachführer der besonderen Art (1987)
Das Buch, Roman (1989) 소설 책
Die bayerische Osterlegende, Roman (1989)
Märchenwelt Bayern, Märchen (1989)
Karl Valentins Panoptikum. Wie es ächt gewesen ist. Biographie (1995)
Autismus, ein häufig verkanntes Problem, pädagogisches Fachbuch (1999)
Dinner for one auf bayerisch, Satire (2003)
Hund' sind s' schon die Bayern, Bavarica (2003)
Autoren und Autorinnen in Bayern, Sachbuch (2004)
Das Prinzregentenstadion - eine Münchner Lebenswelt, Sachbuch (2004)
Der wunderbare Tassilokelch. Eine niederbayerische Zauberflöte, Theaterstück (2004)
Unser Papst aus Bayern Benedikt XVI., Biographie (2005)
Viktor Halbnarr, Bilderbuch (2006)

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Operaatio Finlandia (1972)
Paratiisisaaren vangit (1974)  유쾌한 천국의 죄수들
Jäniksen vuosi (1975) English translation The Year of the Hare
Onnellinen mies (1976)
Isoisää etsimässä (1977)
Sotahevonen (1979)
Herranen aika (1980)
Ulvova mylläri (1981)
Kultainen nousukas (1982)
Hirtettyjen kettujen metsä (1983)  목 매달린 여우의 숲
Ukkosenjumalan poika (1984)
Parasjalkainen laivanvarustaja (1985)
Vapahtaja Surunen (1986)
Koikkalainen kaukaa (1987)
Suloinen myrkynkeittäjä (1988)
Auta armias (1989)
Hurmaava joukkoitsemurha (1990)  기발한 자살 여행
Elämä lyhyt, Rytkönen pitkä (1991)
Maailman paras kylä (1992)
Aatami ja Eeva (1993)
Volomari Volotisen ensimmäinen vaimo ynnä muuta vanhaa tavaraa (1994)
Rovasti Huuskosen petomainen miespalvelija (1995)
Lentävä kirvesmies (1996)
Tuomiopäivän aurinko nousee (1997)
Hirttämättömien lurjusten yrttitarha (1998)
Hirnuva maailmanloppu (1999)
Ihmiskunnan loppulaukka (2000)
Kymmenen riivinrautaa (2001)
Yhdeksän unelmaa (2002)
Liikemies Liljeroosin ilmalaivat (2003)
Tohelo suojelusenkeli (2004)
Suomalainen kärsäkirja (2005)


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Tipping the Velvet (1998)




In the bawdy music halls of the late-19th century, Nan is captivated by Kitty Butler, a male impersonator. She manages to meet her heroine and soon after becomes her dresser. Heading for the bright lights of London they form a double act while privately, a love affair begins.

Affinity (1999)
Following her father's death, Margaret Prior pursues some "good work" with the lady criminals of one of London's most notorious gaols. Drawn to one of the prisons more unlikely inmates - imprisoned spiritualist Selina Dawes - she finds herself dabbling in a world of spirits and seances.

Fingersmith (2002)
Orange Prize for Fiction Best Novel nominee (2002)
The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (2002)

The Night Watch (2006)
A novel of relationships set in 1940s London that brims with vivid historical detail, thrilling coincidences, and psychological complexity, by the author of the Booker Prize finalist Fingersmith.
Sarah Waters, whose works set in Victorian England have awards and acclaim and have reinvigorated the genres of both historical and lesbian fiction, returns with novel that marks a departure from nineteenth century and a spectacular leap forward in the career of this masterful storyteller.
Moving back through the 1940s, through air raids, blacked-out streets, illicit liasons, and sexual adventure, to end with its beginning in 1941, The Night Watch tells the story of Londoners: three women and a young man with a past-whose lives, and those of their friends and lovers, connect in ways that are surprising not always known to them. In wartime London, the women work-as ambulance drivers, ministry clerks, and building inspectors. There are feats of heroism, epic and quotidian, and tragedies both enormous and personal, but the emotional interiors of her characters that Waters captures with absolute and intimacy.
Waters describes with perfect knowingness the taut composure of a rescue worker in the aftermath of a bombing, the idle longing of a young woman her soldier lover, the peculiar thrill convict watching the sky ignite through the bars on his window, the hunger a woman stalking the streets for encounter, and the panic of another who sees her love affair coming end. At the same time, Waters is absolute control of a narrative that offers up subtle surprises and exquisite twists, even as it depicts the impact grand historical event on individual lives.
Tender, tragic, and beautifully poignant, The Night Watch is a towering achievement that confirms its author as "one of the best storytellers alive today" (Independent on Sunday).

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* Novels

Fine Lines (1994)

Animals (1995)

Where There's Smoke (1997)

Owning Jacob (1998)

The Chemistry of Death (2006) : Dagger Awards Best Novel nominee (2006)

Coaxing The Dead (2007)

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 1999 Das Geheimnis das Hieronymus Bosch  

 2000 Der Teufelsvogel des Salomon Idler

 2000 Magritta. Selbstmord einer Schülerin   

 2001 Sagenhaftes Augsburg  

 2002 Der Teufelsvogel

 2002 Das Vermächtnis des Caravaggio 

 2002 Ulrich Schwarz   

 2004 Mir ist so federleicht ums Herz

 2006 Das Amulett der Fuggerin

 2006 Die Herrin der Wörter

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