* Sid Halley Series

Odds Against (1965)
Whip Hand (1979)  채찍을 쥔 오른손
Come to Grief (1995)

* Kit Fielding Series

Break In (1985)
Bolt (1986)

* Novels

Dead Cert (1962)  경마장 살인 사건
Nerve (1964)
For Kicks (1965)  흥분
Flying Finish (1966)
Blood Sport (1967)
Forfeit (1968) Edgar Awards Best Novel winner (1970)
Enquiry (1969)
Rat Race (1970)
Slay Ride (1970)
Bonecrack (1971)
Smokescreen (1972)
Knockdown (1974)
High Stakes (1975)
In the Frame (1976)
Risk (1977)
Trial Run (1978)
Reflex (1980)
Twice Shy (1981) 컴퓨터를 추적하라, 컴퓨터 살인
Banker (1983)  고독한 은행가
The Danger (1983)
Proof (1984)
Hot Money (1987)
The Edge (1988)
Straight (1989)
Longshot (1990) 표적, 끗발
Comeback (1991)  귀향, 경마, 낌새
Driving Force (1992)
Decider (1993)  경마장의 비밀
Wild Horses (1994)
To the Hilt (1996)
10 lb Penalty (1997)
Second Wind (1999)
Shattered (2000)
Under Orders (2006)

* Collections

Field of 13 (1998)

* Anthologies edited

Best Racing and Chasing Stories (1969) (with John Welcome)
Great Racing Stories (1989) (with John Welcome)
Dick Francis Treasury of Great Racing Stories (1990) (with John Welcome)
More Great Racing Stories (1992)
The New Treasury of Great Racing Stories (1992) (with John Welcome)
The Dick Francis Complete Treasury of Great Racing Stories (2003) (with John Welcome)

* Non fiction

The Sport of Queens: The Autobiography of Dick Francis (1968)
Racing Man's Bedside Book (1969) (with John Welcome)
Lester (1986)
Jockey's Life: The Biography of Lester Piggott (1986)

* Anthologies

Winter's Crimes 5 (1973) - The Gift
Gourmet Crook Book, the (1976) -  Nightmare
Best Crime Stories, the (1977) - Carrot for a Chestnut
Best of Winter's Crimes Volume 1, the (1986) - The Gift
Masterpieces of Mystery and Suspense (1988) - Twenty-One Good Men and True
Great Tales of Crime & Detection (1991) - The Day of the Losers
Murders for the Fireside: The Best of Winter’s Crimes (1992) - The Gift
1st Culprit: A Crime Writers' Association Annual (1992) - The Rape of Kingdom Hill
Murder at the Races (1995) - The Protection Racket
Crime Movies II (1997) - The Racing Game
Mysterious Pleasures (2003) - The Gift

Short Stories

Blind Chance ["Twenty-One Good Men and True"], (ss) Verdict of 13, ed. Julian Symons, London: Faber & Faber, 1979 - Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Bright White Star, (ss) Cheshire Life, 1979 - Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Carrot for a Chestnut, (ss) Sports Illustrated Jan 5 19'70 Ellery Queen's Faces of Mystery, ed. Ellery Queen, Curley Publishing, 1992 - Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Collision Course, (nv) Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Corkscrew, (nv) Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
The Day of the Losers, (ss) Horse and Hound Feb '77 - EQMM Sep 9 '81, Great Tales of Crime & Detection, ed. Charles Ardai, Galahad, 1991 - Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Dead on Red, (nv) Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
The Gift, (ss) Winter's Crimes 5, ed. Virginia Whitaker, London: Macmillan, 1973
Murders for the Fireside, ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Pan, 1992 - Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Haig's Death, (nv) Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Nightmare, (ss) The Times, 1974 - Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Notes on the Racecard, (in) - Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Odds Against, (ex) Michael Joseph, 1965; also as "The Racing Game".
The Protection Racket, (ss)
Murder At the Races, ed. Peter Haining, Orion, 1995
The Race at Kingdom Hill ["The Rape of Kingdom Hill"], (ss) The Times, 1975 - Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
The Racing Game ["Odds Against"], (ex) Michael Joseph, 1965
Crime Movies 2, ed. Peter Haining, Severn House, 1997
The Rape of Kingdom Hill, (ss) The Times, 1975; also as "The Race at Kingdom Hill".
1st Culprit, ed. Liza Cody & Michael Z. Lewin, Chatto & Windus, 1992
Song for Mona, (nv) Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Spring Fever, (ss) Woman's Own, 1980 - Field of Thirteen, Putnam's, 1998
Twenty-One Good Men and True, (ss) Verdict of 13, ed. Julian Symons, London: Faber & Faber, 1979; also as "Blind Chance".
Masterpieces of Mystery and Suspense, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Doubleday Book and Music Clubs, 1988 _____, [ref.]
"On a Winning Streak" by Tom Nolan, (bg) MHCMM Spr '97

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