* Novels

Adventure's Mistress (1985)
Love's Masquerade (1986)
Call After Midnight (1987)  이밤이 지나면
Under the Knife (1990)
Never Say Die (1992)
Whistleblower (1992)
Presumed Guilty (1993)
Peggy Sue Got Murdered (1994)
In Their Footsteps (1995)
Thief of Hearts (1995)
Harvest (1996) 하비스트
Life Support (1997)
Bloodstream (1998)
Gravity (1999)
The Surgeon (2001)  외과의사
Perfect Timing (2001)
The Apprentice (2002)
Keeper of the Bride (2002)
The Sinner (2003)
Body Double (2004)
Vanish (2005)
The Mephisto Club (2006)

작가 websites : Official Tess Gerritsen site on the web. Contains info on author, book tour, creepy biological facts, Guest Book, Book excerpts

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