* Series

Leo Haggerty

Embrace the Wolf (1985)
All the Old Bargains (1985)
A Tax in Blood (1987)
The Things We Do for Love (1989)
A Fistful of Empty (1991)
Mexico Is Forever (1994)

* Anthologies

Deadly Allies (1992)
Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories 1993, the (1993)
Deadly Allies II (1994)
Eyes Still Have It, the (1995)
First Cases (1996)
Edgar Award Book, the (1996)
Unusual Suspects (1996)
Death Cruise (1999)
Diagnosis Dead: A Mystery Writers of America Anthology (1999)
Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe (1999)
Crème de la Crime (2000)
Century of Noir, a (2002)
Mystery: The Best of 2001 (2002)

* Short Stories

The Black-Eyed Blonde [Philip Marlowe] 1988
Mary, Mary, Shut the Door 1992  메리, 메리 문을 닫아라
What Goes Around 1994
Christmas in Dodge City 1996
Meeting of the Minds 1996
Expert Opinion 1999 
Lost and Found 1999
Whatever It Takes 2000
Open and Shut 2001

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