* Novels

 The Invisible Worm (1941)
 The Devil Loves Me (1942)
 The Weak-Eyed Bat (1942)
 Wall of Eyes (1943)
 Fire Will Freeze (1944)
 The Iron Gates (1945)
 The Taste of Fear (1945)
 Experiment in Springtime (1947)
 It's All in the Family (1948)
 The Cannibal Heart (1949)
 Do Evil in Return (1950)
 Rose's Last Summer (1952)
 Vanish in an Instant (1952)
 Wives And Lovers (1954)
 Beast in View (1955)
 An Air That Kills (1957) 속삭이는 사람들
 The Soft Talkers (1957)
 The Listening Walls (1959)
 A Stranger in My Grave (1960)
 How Like an Angel (1962)
 Taste of Fears (1962)
 The Friend (1964)
 Beyond This Point Are Monsters (1970)
 The Fiend (1974)
 Ask for Me Tomorrow (1976)
 The Murder of Miranda (1979)
 Mermaid (1981) 인어
 Banshee (1983)
 Spider Webs (1986)

* Non fiction

The Birds and the Beasts Were There (1968)

* Anthologies containing stories by Margaret Millar

Great Tales of Mystery and Suspense (1981)
Disco 2000 (1998)

* Short stories

The Couple Next Door 1954   이웃집 부부 세계의 걸작 미스테리 II (한길사)
Last Day in Lisbon 1943 
McGowney’s Miracle 1954 
Mind Over Murder 1942 
Notions 1987 
The People Across the Canyon 1962  협곡 너머의 이웃

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