* Series

Elizabeth MacPherson
 1. Sick of Shadows (1984)
 2. Lovely in Her Bones (1990)
 3. Highland Laddie Gone (1986)
 4. Paying the Piper (1988)
 5. The Windsor Knot (1990)
 6. Missing Susan (1991)
 7. Macpherson's Lament (1992)
 8. If I'd Killed Him When I Met Him... (1995)
 9. The PMS Outlaws (2000)

Bimbos of the Death Sun
 1. Bimbos of the Death Sun (1987)
 2. Zombies of the Gene Pool (1992)

 1. If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-O (1990) = If Ever I Return
 2. The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter (1992)
 3. She Walks These Hills (1994)
 4. The Rosewood Casket (1996)
 5. The Ballad of Frankie Silver (1998)
 6. The Song Catcher (2000)
 7. Ghost Riders (2003)
 8. St. Dale (2005)

* Collections

Our Separate Days (1989)
Great Cat Mysteries: No Hard Feelings / Nine Lives to Live / the Maggody Files: Hillbilly Cat (omnibus) (1996) (with Joan Hess and Larry Segriff)
Foggy Mountain Breakdown: And Other Stories (1997)

* Series contributed to

Transgressions (with Jeffery Deaver)
 Death's Betrayal (2005)

* Anthologies edited

Malice Domestic Seven (1998)

* Anthologies containing stories by Sharyn McCrumb

The Best of the Best (1997)

* Short stories

Not All Brides Are Beautiful 1986
Bimbos of the Death Sun 1988 
A Wee Doch and Doris 1989
The Luncheon 1990
Remains to Be Seen 1990
A Predatory Woman 1991
Happiness Is a Dead Poet 1992
Nine Lives to Live 1992
Zombies of the Gene Pool 1992 
Gentle Reader 1994
The Monster of Glamis 1994
Old Rattler 1994
The Matchmaker 1995
Typewriter Man [with Spencer McCrumb & Laura McCrumb] 1996
Among My Souvenirs 1997  추억의 유물
Foggy Mountain Breakdown and Other Stories 1997
Foggy Mountain Breakdown 1997
An Autumn Migration 1998
Bimbos & Zombies 1998
Gerda’s Sense of Snow 1998
Malice Domestic 7 1998
Introduction: The Cosy Nostra 1998
Lark in the Morning 2000
The Vale of the White Horse 2002
The Resurrection Man 2005
Author’s Note 
John Knox in Paradise 
Love on First Bounce 
Precious Jewel
A Shade of Difference 
A Snare as Old as Solomon 
Southern Comfort 
Telling the Bees 
The Witness

작가 웹사이트 : sharynmccrumb.com

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