* Kai Lung 시리즈

The Wallet of Kai Lung (1900)

Kai Lung's Golden Hours (1922)

Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat (1928)

The Return of Kai Lung (Moon of Much Gladness) (1932)

Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree (1949)

* Max Carrados 시리즈

Max Carrados (1914) 눈 먼 탐정 맥스 캐러도스

1. The comedy at Fountain Cottage

2. The game played in the dark

3. The Knight’s Cross signal problem (The mystery of the signals)

4. The last exploit of Harry the actor (The great safe deposit coup)

5. The Tilling Shaw mystery

6. The tragedy at Brookbend Cottage

7. The clever Mrs. Straithwaite

8. The coin of Dionysius (The master coiner unmasked)

The Eyes of Max Carrados (1923)

9. The disappearance of Marie Severe

10. The Eastern mystery

11. The ghost at Massingham mansions

12. The mystery of the poisoned dish of mushrooms (Who killed Charlie Winpole?)

13. The ingenious Mr. Spinola

14. The Kingsmouth spy case (The Kingsmouth German spy case)

15. The secret of Dunstan’s tower

16. The Virginiola fraud

17. The missing witness sensation (The missing actress sensation)

Max Carrados Mysteries (1927)

18. The curious circumstances of the two left shoes

19. The Holloway flat tragedy

20. The mystery of the vanished petition crown (The vanished crown)

21. The secret of Headlam Height

22. The crime at the house in Culver Street

23. The ingenious mind of Mr. Rigby Lacksome

24. The strange case of Cyril Bycourt

The Bravo Of London (1934)

Best Max Carrados Detective Stories (1972)

Best Max Carrados Stories (1972)

The Mysteries of Max Carrados (1997)

* 기타 작품

The Mirror of Kong Ho (1905)

The Secret Of The League (1907)

* Collections

The Kai Lung Omnibus (omnibus) (1936)

Celestial Omnibus (omnibus) (1963)

Kai Lung: Six (1974)

* Anthologies containing stories by Ernest Bramah

Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror 1st Series (1928)

Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror 2nd Series (1931)

The Mystery Book (1934)

The Great Book of Humour (1935)

Fifty Famous Detectives of Fiction (1983)

Stories of Crime and Detection (1983)

A Century of Detective Stories (2001)

* Short stories

The Ghost at Massingham Mansions (1923)

Who Killed Charlie Winpole? (1923)

 The Curious Circumstnces of the Two Left Shoes

The Game Played in the Dark

Kin Yen, the Picture-Maker

The Probation of Sen Heng

The Secret of Headlam Height

The Tragedy at Brookbend Cottage

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