* Novels

20 Million Miles to Earth (1957)

The Grey Flannel Shroud (1958) 회색 플란넬 수의

The Bridge of Lions (1963)

Thing at the Door (1974)

Acrostic Mysteries (1985)

Murders Most Macabre (1986)

Inspector Cross (1991) (with Alan Robbins)

Murder at Heartbreak Hospital (1993)

Murder Makes a Call (1994)

The Veil (1997)

* Collections

Death on Television: The Best of Henry Slesar's Alfred Hitchcock Stories (1985)

* Anthologies containing stories

The Fantastic Universe Omnibus (1960)

The Fiend in You (1962)

Anti-Social Register (1965)

Beyond the Curtain of Dark (1966)

The Playboy Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy (1966)

Dangerous Visions 3 (1967)

The Playboy Book of Horror and the Supernatural (1967)

This Day's Evil (1967)

Partners in Wonder (1971)

Coffin Break (1974)

Spaced Out (1975)

Christopher Lee's Archives of Evil (1977)

One Hundred Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories (1978)

The Master's Choice Book 2 (1979)

The Giant Book of Horror Stories (1981)

Haunted Houses: The Greatest Stories (1983)

Realms of Darkness (1985)

Robots: Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction Volume 9 (1988)

Tales of the Occult (1989)

Journeys to the Twilight Zone (1992)

Adventures of the Batman (1995)

The Resurrected Holmes: New Cases from the Notes of John H. Watson (1996)

Don't Open This Book! (1998)

100 Hilarious Little Howlers (1999)

* Short Stories

No Place to Go (1948)

Thought for Today (1956)

Sleep It Off (1956)

Repeat Broadcast (1956)

The Movie-Makers (1956)

The Monument (1956)

Messenger (1956) 

The Chimp (1956)

The Monster Died at Dawn (1956)

Victory Parade (1957)

The Success Machine (1957)

The Secret of Marracott Deep (1957)

RFD #2 (1957)

My Father, the Cat (1957)

Monster on Stage 4 (1957)

The Metal Martyr (1957)

Heart (1957)

The Goddess of World 21 (1957)

A God Named Smith (1957)

The Brat (1957)

Brainchild (1957)

Before the Talent Dies (1957)

Beauty Contest? (1957)

The Babbit from Bzlfsk (1957)

Sob Story (1957)

Something Short of Murder (1957)

Get Out of Our Skies! (1957)

A Kiss for the Conqueror (1957) 

The Night We Died (1958)

The Moon Chute (1958)

The Man Who Took It with Him (1958)

Lost Dog (1958)

Legacy of Terror (1958)

The Jam (1958)

The Invisible Man Murder Case (1958)

The Genie Takes a Wife (1958)

Garden of Evil (1958)

Examination Day (1958)

The Delegate from Venus (1958)

Deadly Satellite (1958)

Brother Robot (1958)

The Trigger (1959)

The Traveling Couch (1959)

Survivor No. 1 (1959)

Like Father - Like Son (1959)

A Cry from the Penthouse (1959)

The Blonde from Space (1959)

Very Small, Very Fine (1960)

Chief (1960)

After (1960)

The Stuff (1961)

The Self-Improvement of Salvadore Ross (1961)

Policeman's Lot (1961)

The Discoverers (1961)

The Candidate (1961)

A Woman's Help (1962)

Whosit's Disease (1962)

Way-Station (1962)

The Penalty (1962)

The Old Man (1962)

Good Morning! This Is the Future (1962)

The Wish-Giver (1963)

Jobo (1963)

Prisoner in Orbit (1964)

The Knocking in the Castle (1964)

Beside the Golden Door (1964)

Speak (1965)

My Mother the Ghost (1965)

Melodramine (1965)

I Remember Oblivion (1966)

Ersatz (1967)

The Moving Finger Types (1968)

Ball of the Centuries (1968)

The Worth of a Man (1969)

I Do Not Like Thee, Dr. Feldman (1969)

The Girl Who Found Things (1973)

The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich (1975)

Merchant (1978)

Doctor (1978)

Prez (1982)

Bats (1989)

The Fifty-Third Card (1990)

Deuce (1991)

I Now Pronounce You Superman and Wife (1993)

Behind the Screen (1993)

The Museum (2000)

The Dinner Party (2001)

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