2008 The Bethlehem Murders Matt Benyon Rees
2007 Broken things Gillian Flynn
2006 Still Life Louise Penny
2005 Running Hot Dreda Say Mitchell
2004 Amagansett Mark Mills
2003 Mission Flats William Landay
2002 The Cutting Room Louise Welsh
2001 The Earthquake bird Susanna Jones
2000 God is a bullet Boston Teran
1999 Lie in the dark Dan Fesperman
1998Garnethill Denise Mina
1997 Body Politic Paul Johnston
1996 No award
1995 One for the money Janet Evanovich
1994 Big town Doug J Swanson
1993 No award
1992 The Ice house Minette Walters
1991 Deep sleep Frances Fyfield
1990 Postmortem Patricia Daniels Cornwell
1989 A Real shot in the arm Annette Roome
1988 Death’s bright angel Janet Neel 검은 사도
1987 Dark apostle Denis Kilcommons
1986 Tinplate Neville Steed
1985 The Latimer mercy Robert Richards
1984 A Very private enterprise Elizabeth Ironside
1983 The Ariadne clue Carol Clemeau
1983 The Night the gods smiled Eric Wright
1982 Caroline miniscule Andrew Taylor
1981 The Ludi victor James Leigh
1980 Dupe Liza Cody
1979 David Serafin Saturday of Glory
1978 Paula Gosling A Running Duck  페어 게임
1977 Jonathan Gash The Judas Pair
1976 Patrick Alexander Death of a Thin-Skinned Animal
1975 Sara George Acid Drop
1974 Roger Simon The Big Fix
1973 Kyril Bonfiglioli Don't Point That Thing at Me

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