2003 Minette Walters Fox Evil 폭스 이블 2002 Jose Carlos Somoza The Athenian Murders 2001 Henning Menkell Sidetracked 2000 Jonathan Lethem Motherless Brooklyn 머더리스 브루클린 1999 Robert Wilson A Small Death in Lisbon 1998 James Lee Burke Sunset Limited 1997 Ian Rankin Black & Blue 1996 Ben Elton Popcorn 1995 Val McDermid The Mermaids Singing 1994 Minette Walters The Scold's Bride 1993 Patricia D. Cornwell Cruel and Unusual 1992 Colin Dexter The Way Through the Woods 1991 Barbara Vine King Solomon's Carpet 1990 Reginald Hill Bones and Silence 1989 Colin Dexter The Wench Is Dead 1988 Michael Dibdin Ratking 1987 Barbara Vine A Fatal Inversion 1986 Ruth Rendell Live Flesh 1985 Paula Gosling Monkey Puzzle 1984 B.M. Gill The Twelfth Juror 1983 John Hutton Accidental Crimes 1982 Peter Lovesey The False Inspector Dew 가짜 경감 듀 1981 Martin Cruz Smith Gorky Park 고르키 파크 1980 H.R.F. Keating The Murder of the Maharajah 1979 Dick Francis Whip Hand 채찍을 쥔 오른손 1978 Lionel Davidson The Chelsea Murders 1977 John Le Carre The Honourable Schoolboy 1976 Ruth Rendell A Demon in My View 내 눈에는 악마가 1975 Nicholas Meyer The Seven Percent Solution 1974 Anthony Price Other Paths to Glory 1973 Robert Littell The Defection of A.J. Lewinter 1972 Eric Ambler The Levanter 1971 James McClure The Steam Pig 1970 Joan Fleming Young Man, I Think You're Dying 1969 Peter Dickinson A Pride of Heroes 1968 Peter Dickinson Skin Deep 1967 Emma Lathen Murder Against the Grain 1966 Lionel Davidson A Long Way to Shiloh 1965 Ross Macdonald The Far Side of the Dollar 1964 H.R.F. Keating The Perfect Murder 1963 John Le Carre The Spy Who Came In From the Cold 1962 Joan Fleming When I Grow Rich 1961 Mary Kelly The Spoilt Kill 1960 Lionel Davidson The Night of Wenceslas 1959 Eric Ambler Passage of Arms 1958 Margot Bennett Someone From the Past 1957 Julian Symons The Colour of Murder 무기의 통로 1956 Edward Grierson The Second Man 1955 Winston Graham The Little Walls