* 장편 

The Moving Target - 1949  움직이는 표적
The Drowning Pool - 1950  마의 풀, 악마의 유혹, 살인 방정식
The Way Some People Die - 1951
The Ivory Grin = Marked for Murder - 1952
Find a Victim - 1954
The Barbarous Coast - 1956
The Doomsters - 1958
The Galton Case - 1959
The Wycherly Woman - 1961   위철리 (가) 의 여자
The Zebra-Striped Hearse - 1962
The Chill - 1964  소름
The Far Side of the Dollar - 1965
Black Money - 1966
The Instant Enemy - 1968 순간의 적
The Goodbye Look - 1969
The Underground Man - 1971  지하 인간, 사라진 그림자
Sleeping Beauty - 1973
The Blue Hammer - 1976  

* 단편집

The Name is Archer (paperback original containing 7 stories) - 1955
Lew Archer: Private Investigator (The Name is Archer + 2 additional stories) - 1977  

* Lew Archer Omnibuses

Archer in Hollywood - 1967
Archer at Large - 1970
Archer in Jeopardy - 1979

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