* Burke Series

 1. Flood (1983) 플러드
 2. Strega (1987) 빨강머리 스트레가

 3. Blue Belle (1988) 어둠을 울리는 우울한 종소리 
 4. Hard Candy (1989)
 5. Blossom (1990)
 6. Sacrifice (1991)
 7. Down in the Zero (1994)
 8. Footsteps of the Hawk (1995)
 9. False Allegations (1996)
 10. Safe House (1998)
 11. Choice of Evil (1999)
 12. Dead and Gone (2000)
 13. Pain Management (2001)
 14. Only Child (2002)
 15. Down Here (2004)

* Novels

 Shella (1993)
 The Getaway Man (2003)
 Two Trains Running (2005)

* Collections

 Born Bad (1986)
 Another Chance to Get It Right: A Children's Book for Adults (1992)
 Everybody Pays (1999)
 Proving It (2001)
 Hard Looks: Adapted Stories (2003)

* Series contributed to

 The Ultimate Evil (1995)

Predator (with Randy Stradley)
 Race War (1995)

* Anthologies edited

Dark Horse Presents Fifth Anniversary Special (1991)

* Anthologies containing stories by Andrew H. Vachss

 Borderlands 3 (1993)
 The Crow: Shattered Lives and Broken Dreams (1998)

* Short stories

White Alligator (1990) 
Treatment (1992)
Witch Hunt (1993)  
The Real Thing (1998)

* 작가 웹사이트 : The Zero

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