1. Death At La Fenice (1992)  라 트라비아타 살인사건
2. Death in a Strange Country (1993)
3. The Anonymous Venetian (1994) = Dressed for Death
4. A Venetian Reckoning (1995) = Death And Judgment
5. Acqua Alta (1996) = Death in High Water
6. The Death of Faith (1997) = Quietly in Their Sleep  사라진 수녀
7. A Noble Radiance (1997)
8. Fatal Remedies (1999)
9. Friends in High Places (2000)
10. A Sea of Troubles (2001)
11. Wilful Behaviour (2002)
12. Uniform Justice (2003)
13. Doctored Evidence (2004)
14. Blood from a Stone (2005)
15. Through a Glass Darkly (2006)
16. Suffer the Little Children (2007)
17. The Girl of His Dreams (2008)

작가웹사이트 : donnaleon.co.uk

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