*Sergeant Cribb 시리즈

Wobble to Death 1970

The Detective Wore Silk Drawers 1971

Abracadaver 1972

Mad Hatter's Holiday 1973

Invitation to a Dynamite Party 1974

A Case of Spirits 1975

Swing, Swing Together 1976

Waxwork (Silver Dagger Award) 1978 (밀랍 인형, 마담 타소가 기다리다 지쳐)

* Peter Diamond 시리즈

The Last Detective (Anthony Award) 1991 (마지막 형사)

Diamond Solitaire 1992

The Summons (Silver Dagger Award) 1995

The Bloodhounds (Silver Dagger Award, Macavity Award, Barry Award) 1996

Upon a Dark Night 1998

The Vault 1999

Diamond Dust 2002

The House Sitter 2003

* 기타 작품

The False Inspector Dew (Gold Dagger Award) 1982 (가짜 경감 듀)

Keystone 1983 Butchers and Other Stories of Crime (short stories) 1985

Rough Cider 1986

Bertie and the Tinman 1987

On the Edge 1989

Bertie and the Seven Bodies 1990

Bertie and the Crime of Passion 1993

The Reaper 2000

The Sedgemoor Strangler and Other Stories of Crime 2002

* Peter Lear 필명 작품

Goldengirl 1977

Spider Girl 1980

The Secret of Spandau 1986

* 단편

Do Not Exceed the Stated Dosey 1998

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