* A Stephanie Plum Mystery

One for the Money (John Creasey Memorial Award, Dilys Award) 1994

Two for the Dough (Last Laugh Dagger Award) 1996

Three to Get Deadly (Silver Dagger Award, Dilys Award) 1997

Four to Score 1998

High Five 1999

Hot Six 2000

Seven Up 2001

Hard Eight 2002

Visions of Sugar Plums 2002

To the Nines 2003

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liny9302 2005-01-07 22:09   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
one for the money 그래, 난 돈을 위해 산다라는 제목으로 나왔는데 재미 있어요 저 가지고 있거든요