* 장편

The Dark Frontier (1936)

Uncommon Danger (US Title: Background to Danger) (1937)

Epitaph for a Spy (1938) 어느 스파이의 묘비명, 피서지 살인사건

Cause for Alarm (1938)

The Mask of Dimitrios (US Title: A Coffin for Dimitrios) (1939) 디미트리오스의 관

Journey into Fea r(1940)

Judgment on Deltchev (1951)

The Schirmer Inheritance (1953)

The Night-Comers (US Title: State of Siege) (1956)

Passage of Arms (1959) 무기의 통로 (Crossed Red Herrings Award, GoldDagger Award)

The Light of Day (1962) (1962 에드거 상)

A King of Anger (1964)

Dirty Story (1967) (Best British Award of the CWA)

The Intercom Conspiracy (1970)

The Levanter (1972) (1972. 골드 대거상)

Doctor Frigo (1974)

Send No More Rose (US Title: The Siege at the Villa Lipp) (1977)

The care of time (1981)

* As 'Eliot Reed' (with Charles Rodda)

Skytip (1950)

Tender to Danger (UK Title: Tender to Moonlight) (1951)

The Maras Affair (1953)

Charter to Danger (1954)

Passport to Panic (1958)

* 단편집

The Army of the Shadows (1939)

* The Intrusions of Dr. Czissar

The Case of the Pinchbeck Locket (1940)

The Case of the Emerald Sky (1940)

The Case of the Cycling Chauffeur (1940)

The Case of the Overheated Service Flat (1940)

The Case of the Drunken Socrates (1940)

The Case of the Gentleman Poet (1940)

The Blood Bargain (1970)

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