* V.I. Warshawski 시리즈

Indemnity Only 여탐정 워쇼스키, 섬머타임블루스, 살인을 사랑하다, 제트파일 (1982)

Deadlock (1984)

Killing Orders (1985)

Bitter Medicine 위험한 출생 (1987)

 Blood Shot CWA 실버대거상 수상작 (1988)

Burn Marks (1990)

Guardian Angel (1991)

Tunnel Vision (1994)

Windy City Blues (short stories) (1995)

Hard Time (1999)

Total Recall (2001)

 Blacklist (2003)   블랙리스트 

Fire Sale (2005)

* Novels

V.I. Warshawski (1993)
Strung Out (1997)
Ghost Country (1998)

* Collections

Reader, I Murdered Him (1989)
Third Womansleuth Anthology, the (1990)
Murder Most Cozy (1993)
Windy City Blues (1995)
Reader, I Murdered Him, Too (1995)
Lethal Ladies (1996)
Lethal Ladies II (1998)
Crime Story Collection (1998)

* Anthologies

Eyes Have It, the (1984)
Mean Streets (1986)
Sisters in Crime (1989)
City Sleuths and Tough Guys (1989)
New Crimes (1989)
Year's Best Mystery and Suspense Stories 1989, the (1989)
Sisters in Crime 3 (1990)
Under the Gun (1990)
P.I. Files (1990)
Woman's Eye, a (1991)
Great Tales of Crime & Detection (1991)
Sisters in Crime 5 (1992)
Women on the Edge (1992)
Women Of Mystery (1992)
Deadly Allies (1992)
1st Culprit: A Crime Writers' Association Annual (1992)
Year’s 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories: First Annual Edition, the (1992)
Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories: Second Annual Edition, the (1993)
Crimes of Passion: Twenty-Three Tales of Love and Hate (1993)
New Mystery, the: The International Association of Crime Writers’ Essential Crime Writing of the Late 20th Century (1993)
3rd Culprit (1994)
Modern Treasury of Great Detective and Murder Mysteries, a (1994)
Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventh Annual Collection, the (1994)
No Alibi: The Best New Crime Fiction (1995)
Bad Behavior (1995)
Women on the Case (1996)
First Cases (1996)
Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories: Fifth Annual Edition, the (1996)
Murder for Love (1996)
Win, Lose or Die (1996)
Orion Book of Murder, the (1996)
Mystery's Most Wanted: The Year's Finest Crime and Mystery Stories (1997)
Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories: Sixth Annual Edition, the (1997)
Century of Mystery 1980-1989, a (1997)
Best of Sisters in Crime, the (1998)
Women of Mystery III (1998)
Fifth Grave, the: And Other Terrifying Tales of Homicide in the Heartland (1998)
50 Greatest Mysteries of All Time, the (1998)
Crime After Crime (1999)
Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe (1999)
Opening Shots: Great Mystery and Crime Writers Share Their First Published Stories (2000)
Sleuths of the Century (2000)
Best American Mystery Stories of the Century, the (2000)
Oxford Book of Detective Stories, the (2000)
Century of Great Suspense Stories, a (2001)
Century of Noir, a (2002)
Most Wanted: A Lineup of Favorite Crime Stories (2002)
Mysterious Pleasures (2003)

* Short Stories

Takamoku Joseki, the (1984)
Three-Dot Po (1984)
Skin Deep (1987)
Case of the Pietro Andromache, the (1988)
Dealer’s Choice (1988)
Pietro Andromache, the (1988)
Taste of Life, a (1989)
Lily and the Sockeyes (1990)
Maltese Cat, the (1990)
Man Who Loved Life, the (1990)
Settled Score (1991)
Freud at Thirty Paces (1992)
Strung Out (1992)
Great Tetsuji, the (1994)
Grace Notes (1995)
Publicity Stunts (1996)
At the Old Swimming Hole (1996)
Heartbreak House (1996)  비탄에 잠긴 집
Murder at the “Century of Progress” (1999)
At the “Century of Progress” (1999)
Photo Finish (2000)

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