The Mercenaries 1960 고용된 남자

Killing Time 1961

361 1962

Killy 1963

Pity Him Afterwards 1964

The Fugitive Pigeon 1965

The Busy Body 1966

The Spy in the Ointment 1966

God Save the Mark 1967

Who Stole Sassi Manoon? 1968

Somebody Owes Me Money 1969

Up Your Banners 1969

The Hot Rock 1970

Adios Scheherezade 1970

I Gave at the Office 1971

Bank Shot 1972

Help I Am Being Held Prisoner 1974

Jimmy the Kid 1974

Brothers Keepers 1975

Two Much 1975

Dancing Aztecs 1976

Enough 1977

Nobody's Perfect 1977

Castle in the Air 1980

Kahawa 1981

Why Me 1983

A Likely Story 1984

High Adventure 1985

Good Behavior 1985

Trust Me on This 1988

Sacred Monster 1989

Drowned Hopes 1990

Humans 1992

Don't Ask 1993

Baby, Would I Lie? 1994

Smoke 1995

What's the Worst That Could Happen? 1996

The Ax 1997 도끼

The Hook 2000

Bad News 2001

Put a Lid on It 2002

필명 Richard Stark 작품 * The Parker (악당 파커) 시리즈

The Hunter (Point Blank : 영화 제목) 1962 인간 사냥 (DMB 128)

The Man With the Getaway Face (Steel Hit : 영국) 1963

The Outfit 1963

The Mourner 1963

The Score (Killtown : 영국) 1963

The Jugger 1965

The Seventh (The Split because : 영화 제목) 1966

The Handle (Run Lethal : 영국) 1966

The Rare Coin Score 1967

The Green Eagle Score 1967

The Black Ice Score 1968

The Sour Lemon Score 1969

Deadly Edge 1971

Slayground 1971

Plunder Squad 1972

Butcher's Moon 1974

Comeback 1997

Backflash 1998

Flashfire 2000

Firebreak 2001

Breakout 2002

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