* Palmer-Jones Series

1. A Bird In The Hand (1986)
2. Come Death and High Water (1987)
3. Murder In Paradise (1988)
4. A Prey To Murder (1989)
5. Sea Fever (1991)
6. Another Man's Poison (1992)
7. The Mill On The Shore (1994)
8. High Island Blues (1996)

* Inspector Ramsay Series

1. A Lesson In Dying (1990)
2. Murder In My Backyard (1991)
3. A Day In The Death Of Dorothea Cassidy (1992)
4. Killjoy (1993)
5. The Healers (1995)
6. The Baby Snatcher (1997)

* Novels

The Crow Trap (1999)
The Sleeping and the Dead (2001)
Burial of Ghosts (2003)
Telling Tales (2005)
Raven Black (2006)  레이븐 블랙
Hidden Depths (2007)

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