* Charlie Chan 찰리 챈 시리즈

The House Without a Key (1925년) 열쇠 없는 집

The Chinese Parrot (1926) 중국 앵무새

Behind That Curtain (1928) 커튼 뒤의 비밀

The Black Camel (1929) 검은 낙타

Charlie Chan Carries On (1930) 찰리 챈의 활약

Keeper of the Keys (1932) 열쇠를 가진 사람

* 기타 작품

 Seven Keys to Baldpate (1913)

 Love Insurance (1914)

 Inside the Lines (1915) (with Robert Welles Ritchie)

 The Agony Column (Second Floor Mystery) (1916)

 Fifty Candles (1926)

* Collections

Earl Derr Biggers Tells Ten Stories (1933)

* Short stories

The Dollar Chasers

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