* Series

Deed of Paksenarrion

1. The Sheepfarmer's Daughter (1988)
2. Divided Allegiance (1988)
3. Oath of Gold (1988)

Planet Pirates

1. Sassinak (1990) (with Anne McCaffrey)
3. Generation Warriors (1991) (with Anne McCaffrey)

Legacy of Gird

1. Surrender None (1990)
2. Liar's Oath (1992)

Serrano Legacy

1. Hunting Party (1993)
2. Sporting Chance (1994)
3. Winning Colours (1995)
4. Once a Hero (1995)
5. Rules of Engagement (1998)
6. Change of Command (1999)
7. Against the Odds (2000)

Vatta's War

1. Trading in Danger (2003)
2. Marque and Reprisal (2004) = Moving Target
3. Engaging the Enemy (2006)
4. Command Decision (2007)

* Novels

Remnant Population (1996)
The Speed of Dark (2002)  어둠의 속도

* Collections

Lunar Activity (1990)
Phases (1997)
Moon Flights (2007)

* Anthologies containing stories by Elizabeth Moon

New Destinies, Vol. VII (1989)
Catfantastic II (1990)
Chicks in Chainmail (1995)
Don't Forget Your Spacesuit, Dear (1996)
Chicks 'n Chained Males (1999)
Past Lives, Present Tense (1999)
The Chick Is in the Mail (2000)

* Short stories

 ABCs in Zero-G (1986)  
 A Delicate Adjustment (1987)  
 Just Another Day at the Weather Service (1987)  
 The Generic Rejuvenation of Milo Ardry (1988)  
 Gravesite Revisited (1988)  
 Gut Feelings (1988)  
 If Nudity Offends You (1988)  
 Too Wet to Plow (1988)  
 New World Symphony (1989)  
 Welcome to Wheel Days (1989)  
 Clara's Cat (1990)  
 Those Who Walk in Darkness (1990)  
 And Ladies of the Club (1995)  
 Accidents Don't Just Happen - They're Caused (1996)  
 Fool's Gold (1999)  
 Silver Lining (1999)  
 Sweet Charity (2000)

작가홈페이지 : http://www.elizabethmoon.com/

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