전출처 : 보슬비 > Raphael (1483-1520)

Raphael (painter) (1483-1520)

 Italian Renaissance painter, considered one of the greatest and most popular artists of all time.
Raphael was born Raffaello Santi or Raffaello Sanzio in Urbino on April 6, 1483, and received his early training in art from his father, the painter Giovanni Santi.
According to many art historians, he also studied with Timoteo Viti at Urbino, executing under his influence a number of works on canvas of miniaturelike delicacy and poetic atmosphere,

Lo Spasimo di Sicilia

Pope Sixtus II

The Finding Of Moses


The Transfiguration

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 전출처 : 보슬비 > Francois Geoffroi Roux 의 Ship

HMS Mendota


Ste. Marguerite

The America 1804

The Emilie

The French Barque Parnasse 1841

French Ship 1804

The French Ship Of The Line Le Wagram

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 전출처 : 보슬비 > Rubens, Peter Paul

Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640)

 Flemish painter on canvas, considered the most important of the 17th century,
whose style came to define the animated,
exuberantly sensuous aspects of baroque painting on canvas.
Combining the bold brushwork, luminous color, and shimmering light of the Venetian school with the vigor of the art of Michelangelo and the formal dynamism of Hellenistic sculpture, Rubens created a vibrant style on canvas, with an energy that emanates from tensions between the intellectual and the emotional, the classical and the romantic.

 The Descent from the Cross

The Elevation of the Cross

The Four Evangelists

The Four Philosophers

 The Three Graces

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 전출처 : 보슬비 > Twachtman의 작품

Arques La Bataille

Snow Scene

Bark And Schooner

Horseshoe Falls Niagara

Meadow Flowers

White Bridge

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 전출처 : 보슬비 > Arcimboldo, Giuseppe (Italian, approx. 1530-1593)


Spring, 1563, oil on wood, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid

The Librarian

The Librarian, 1566, oil on canvas, Skoklosters Slott, Sweden


Summer, 1573, oil on canvas, Musée du Louvre, Paris.


Autumn, 1573, oil on canvas, Musée du Louvre, Paris.

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