Explorations in Preaching
by Brett Roscoe, a reader

1.   Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages by Haddon W. Robinson (Hardcover - June 2001)  강해설교(CLC, 개정판은 미출간)

2.   Design for Preaching by H. Grady Davis

3.   The Norton Anthology of Poetry by Margaret Ferguson (Editor), et al (Paperback - August 1996)

4.   As One Without Authority by Fred B. Craddock (Paperback - August 2001)  권위없는 자처럼(예배와 설교 아카데미)
5.   Preaching by Fred B. Craddock (Paperback - June 1990)  설교(컨콜디아사)

6.   The Art of Fiction : Notes on Craft for Young Writers by John Gardner (Author) (Paperback)
7.   The Homiletical Plot: The Sermon As Narrative Art Form by Eugene L. Lowry (Paperback - December 2000)  이야기식 설교 구성(한국장로교출판사, 개정판은 미출간)

8.   The Sermon: Dancing the Edge of Mystery by Eugene L. Lowry (Hardcover - June 1997)

9.   Introduction to Literature (12th Edition) by Barnet (Author), et al (Paperback)

10.   Homiletic Moves and Structures by David G. Buttrick (Paperback - April 1989)

11.   Preaching and the Literary Forms of the Bible by Thomas G. Long (Paperback - September 1990)  성서의 문학유형과 설교(대한기독교서회)


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