Essential Books for Biblical Theology
by John E. Botkin, budding biblical theologian
1. According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the Bible by Graeme Goldsworthy (Paperback - October 2002)
2. Trilogy; Gospel and Kingdom, Gospel and Wisdom, Gospel and Revelation by Graeme Goldsworthy (Paperback - January 2001)
3. Biblical Theology by Geerhardus Vos (Paperback - December 1996) 성경신학(CLC)
4. Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation: The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos by Geerhardus Vos, et al (Hardcover - June 2001)
5. The Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament by Edmund P. Clowney (Paperback - July 1991)
6. Covenant and Creation: A Theology of the Old Testament Covenants (Biblical and Theological Classics Library, Vol. 12) by William J. Dumbrell
7. Interpreting God's Plan: Biblical Theology & the Pastor
by R. J. Gibson (Editor) (Paperback - December 1998)
8. New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture by Brian S. Rosner (Editor), et al (Hardcover - February 2001)
9. The Progress of Redemption: The Story of Salvation from Creation to the New Jerusalem by Willem A. Van Gemeren (Paperback - January 1996) 구원계시의 발전사(성경읽기사)
10. Gagging of God, The by D. A. Carson (Paperback)
11. The End of the Beginning by William J. Dumbrell (Paperback - June 2001)
12. Search for Order: Biblical Eschatology in Focus by William J. Dumbrell (Paperback - October 2001)
13. Grace and Glory by Geerhardus Vos (Hardcover - October 1994)
14. Living in the Gap Between Promise and Reality: The Gospel According to Abraham (The Gospel According to the Old Testament) by Iain M. Duguid (Paperback - May 1999) 크리스천이 사는 법(좋은씨앗)
15. Faith in the Face of Apostasy: The Gospel According to Elijah and Elisha (The Gospel According to the Old Testament) by Raymond B. Dillard (Paperback - May 1999) 하나님을 버린 시대 시대를 버린 믿음(좋은씨앗)
16. Living in the Grip of Relentless Grace: The Gospel in the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (The Gospel According to the Old Testament) by Iain M. Duguid, et al (Paperback - October 2002)
17. The God of Promise and the Life of Faith: Understanding the Heart of the Bible by Scott J. Hafemann (Paperback - November 2001)
18. God Is a Warrior by Tremper Longman, et al (Paperback) 거룩한 용사(솔로몬)
19. Immanuel in Our Place: Seeing Christ in Israel's Worship (The Gospel According to the Old Testament) by Tremper, III Longman, J. Alan Groves (Paperback - October 2001) 우리 안에 거하시는 하나님(CLC)
20. The Ways of Our God: An Approach to Biblical Theology by Charles H. H. Scobie (Paperback - December 2002)
21. A Better Way by Simon Austen (Paperback - August 2003)
22. Dominion and Dynasty: A Biblical Theology of the Hebrew Bible (New Studies in Biblical Theology 15) by Stephen G. Dempster (Paperback - February 2004)