@p4 till now

Animals in the Britain aren't afraid of humans, except rabbits. But this morning rabbits seemed to enjoy their own time even at the presence of a human, me, taking a walk lazily. I took pictures of them and watched these little cute creatures hopping, running, pausing and discussing. And I started searching for some place to sit. I brought "An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth" and desired to read it at the very moment. I had bought it at a second hand book store in the Netherlands. 

In the "Preface" Russell says "I differ from them(the logical positivists), however, in attaching more importance than they do to the work of Berkeley and Hume", which I have known Russell as, and which Prof. Landini is challenging. Reading some sentences in the "Introduction", I found myself fascinated. I walked fast home, startling rabbits still around there to hide themselves in the bush. 

I finished the introduction. Not so difficult to read. Has some humours in it, making me smile. One of the fascinating things about reading the texts written by the great philosophers is that they show how to philosophise. Russell is one of the masters in this field. 

My reading didn't continue because my friend came back home after long flight from South Africa. And we are going to have guests from Korea tonight. I have to study how to entertain them, which I'm very poor at. If the weather were fine, we could go out to parks spread all over the Britain! In the morning the sun shined, but it's raining now, not a surprise, just as usual. 

We, 6 people, are going to live in a tiny bedroom and a small dinning room. I will try to find  time and place to study, and to give a good impression of me on them. May I succeed in both!

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120703 2012-07-13 14:34   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | 수정 | 삭제 | URL
It seems like you've started writing in English from now on! I think it is a good idea to practise writing on blog; it would definitely improve your English writing skills to a greater extent =) and wow, you are having visitors from South Korea~ =.= I don't think you would have enough time dwelling on philosophical thoughts while the visitors are there to overwhelm you ;) hope you get on well with your visitors. also cheers to your philosophical success!

weekly 2012-07-17 00:30   좋아요 0 | URL
Thank you for cheering me up, and sorry for having so long taken to reply. I am having a big family(mother in law, my wife's brother's wife, her two kids, my wife and me^^) eating together, sleeping together, watching TV together... densely packed in a small flat, meaning I couldn't find private time and space, that is, I am very very happy now.^^ 

By the way, owing to the modern technology you and I are talking to each other like this, but I don't know even what I call you.^^  If you kindly let me know your sort of nickname or more, I could remember you more easily and humanely. Who knows we'll do it in an unplugged mode?^^

Aucklander 2012-07-19 14:03   좋아요 0 | 수정 | 삭제 | URL
No worries at all :) I reckon you've been busy with your big family visitors from Korea ;) That's so nice of your wife's family to come to visit you from such a far-off place. Looks like you are very much enjoying their company :) and for my name, you can call me Aucklander :) I am always thankful for ur considerate reply whenever I leave a message to u =)

weekly 2012-07-19 21:17   좋아요 0 | URL
Thanks, Aucklander^^ You makes me smile~