그렇다, 내일부터 10월. 세상에! 영국 작가 케이트 그리너웨이의 '창가 아래서'(1879)를 읽었다. 이름을 딴 상까지 제정된 그리너웨이의 첫 책으로서 어찌 보면 초현실적이지만 당대 현실을 당연히 반영한다. "On that fine hot day in September"가 반복되는 'Three little girls' 편을 발췌했다.
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Under the Window, by Kate Greenaway https://www.gutenberg.org/files/22888/22888-h/22888-h.htm 여기서 영어원문 전문과 삽화를 읽고 볼 수 있다.

Three little girls By Kate Greenaway - Under the Window via Gutenberg
그리너웨이 - Daum 백과 https://100.daum.net/encyclopedia/view/b02g3823a

By Edmund Evans/Kate Greenaway - Title page taken from Under the Window: Pictures & Rhymes for Children. London; New York: George Routledge & Sons, 1879. Source picture is from the University of Delaware Library
케이트 그리너웨이 컬러링 책이 있다.
Three little girls were sitting on a rail, Sitting on a rail, Sitting on a rail; Three little girls were sitting on a rail, On a fine hot day in September.
What did they talk about that fine day, That fine day, That fine day? What did they talk about that fine day,— That fine hot day in September?
The crows and the corn they talked about, Talked about, Talked about; But nobody knows what was said by the crows, On that fine hot day in September.