1. Business Model Canvas

(1) Business Model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value.



1) CS(Customer Segments)


2) VP(Value Propositions)


3) CH(Channels)


4) CR(Customer Relationships)


5) RS(Revenue Streams)


6) KR(Key Resources)


7) KA(Key Activities)


8) KP(Key Partnerships)


9) CS(Cost Structure)


2. Patterns

(1) Unbundling Business


(2) The Long Tail


(3) Multi-Sided Platforms


(4) Free as a Business Model


(5) Open Business Models


3. Design

(1) Customer Insights


(2) Ideation


(3) Visual Thinking


(4) Prototyping


(5) Storytelling


(6) Scenarios


4. Strategy

(1) Environment

1) Key Trends


2) Market Foreces


3) Industry Foreces


4) Macro-economic Foreces


(2) Evaluating Business Models


5. Process


1) Mobilize


2) Understanding


3) Design


4) Implement


5) Manage

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