여전히 "신종 플루"가 문제 되고 있는 가운데, 몇몇 관련 기사들을 옳겨 놓는다. [UK]



@ 배은지,〈[45호]신종플루, 대유행병의 역습은 사회의 변화로 막아내야 한다!〉, 《참세상》(2009년 5월 16일) 




@ 이상윤, 〈[벼리1] 신종 인플루엔자, 단지 바이러스의 문제인가〉, 《인권오름》 (2009년 5월 20일)




@ 사회진보연대 정책위원회,〈신종 플루의 사회경제적 원인: 근본적 원인은 존재하는가〉, 《사회화와 노동》제431호(2009년 5월 7일) 




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mesos 2009-09-10 18:03   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | 수정 | 삭제 | URL
maple story private servers have remained at version 0.62 for almost a year and both players and owners are looking to DestinyMS to be the beta testers of the version. If DestinyMS succeeds we can expect other maple story mesos selling on www.maple-story.org servers making the switch to version 0.75 in weeks to come.The infamous MapleStory private sever, DestinyMS, announced yesterday that maplestory mesos they will be upgrading to MapleGlobal version 0.75 on Saturday September 12.DestinyMS is known for their bouts with Nexon America (specifically General Counsel Lloyd Korn).Their administrator,maple story Shadow, has refused to abide by every Cease and Desist/DMCA letter and shut down his server permanently arguing the Dutch law allows private server activity and welcomes a lawsuit. DestinyMS is currently the most popular low-rate private server on the MapleStory private server topsite rankings.