올해 들어 다윈에 관한 수많은 얘기들이 쏟아지고 있는데, 출판시장 외에 언론들도 예외가 될 수는 없겠다. 영국 일간지 《가디언》에서도 살펴볼만한 글들을 소개하고 있다. 물론 개인적으로 도킨스에 대한 평가는 회의적이다. 

 아래는 '과학' 란 <찰스 다윈> 항목.


Charles Darwin

On the Origin of Species

Darwin was born 200 years ago, and 50 years later unveiled his theory of natural selection. To mark these anniversaries we bring you the definitive guide to the naturalist's great book, with extracts from key chapters and essays from leading scientists and thinkers including Richard Dawkins and former Bishop of Oxford Richard Harries  






 그 중 가장 최근의 기사만을 옮겨놓는다. [UK]


Defying Darwin 

The fundamental ideas behind the theory of evolution have been scientific gospel for decades - and yet creationists refuse to go the way of the dinosaurs. Who exactly are they? And just what do they believe? Stephen Moss reports 

Adam and Eve by Lucas Cranach the Elder. Photograph: The Bridgeman art library/Getty





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