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I didn't wash the dishes for the past two meals.

Do you see all the dirty dishes in the sink?

(Do you see the sink full of dirty dishes?)


Sometimes, it is not bad. Is it weird?

The more it messes, the more satisfaction I feel cleaning them.


Sometimes, I feel bad when I know that there are many chores to finish,

It makes me feel tired.



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Grace 2013-07-25 08:31   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
*It takes too much time to make you understand!
*Can I use "take' and "make" one after the other?
*Let's take a make-up class.
*I think it depends on situations.
*My son is going to be on vacation.

*Somehow we will make them sad.
*I can't tell who is right.
*He strongly insists his opinion.
*Incorrect: They are making a law about that.
Correct: They are making an appeal about that.

*They can develop their sense of responsibility.
*They deprive their time for studying.
*They have the right to spend their money in any way they want.
*The parents should advise them how to spend their money.
*We want to develop our ability.

*After a long while..
*Once I married, I can't turn back any more.
*The feeling of being protected is important for her.
*I stayed home the hole day.( I stayed home all day long)
* He lashed on me.

*Why do you keep torturing now?
*Why do you feel that way?
*I have received advice from books.
*Don;t give your all.
*You have a sweet personality.

*They have to be regulated.
*체내수정:internal fertilization
체외수정:external fertilization
대리모:surrogate mother 정자:seed. 난자:egg
*Most of them have closed mind.
*I live on the plain.(바닷가아닌 평야)
* I didn't know what it means.

*After I knew what it means..
*Everything is on me.(All is my job)
*I take this to the counter.
*In the morning, it is very silent.
*I am thinking of what it means.

*I can easily bowel.
*You can continue sipping your coffee.

Grace 2013-08-05 09:20   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
*Sometimes, I forget to say Hi...
sometimes, I even miss to reply...
sometimes, my message doesn't reach you...
but it doesn't mean that I forget you...
I'm just giving you time TO MISS ME...

*mood message = shout out
I'm asking about your previous shout out!
*I sent her a message.
*It doesn't come out.
*The law doesn't allow it.

*To love without condition, to talk without intention
to give without reason and to care without expectation...
this is the heart of true friends.
*I want you to proofread my work.
*Did I use to celebrate Christmas, or not?
Did I celebrate Christmas, or not?
*Yes indeed.

I had a student who didn't enter  high school.

We had classes only for 6 months and he quit because of his bad behavior like smoking,

running away from house etc.


At first , I thought that he is different from other sts.

I thought that he needs a counselor therefore I searched for a counseling center

that runs in the city, which is free of charge.

Then, I recommended that his mother to take him to the counselor but his mother doesn't

have her own car. That's why I took him to the counselor every Tuesday.


Every after his consultation with the counselor, I had to speak with the counselor 

instead of his mother about him.

We only had 10 free consultation. Unfortunately, nothing happened after 10 times of

consultation. It wasn't helpful at all for us-him, his mother and I.


After that, he ran away form home. I phoned his friends to find out where he is.

He was near my city where it takes 2hours to get there by car.

His parents wouldn't want to do anything for him. That was not the first time.


I asked some advice from my husband and he told me this,

"You should go to that city to bring him back to his parents. There is nobody else who

can help him except you. You better go now!!"

Can you guess how kind he is?


Driving to the city, a thousand emotions crowded through my mind.

"What am I doing?...

Why am I going to this city?...

Why should I go there, not his parents? ...

Why?... Why?... Why?...


It will help him and encourage him...

I am doing well...

This is the best way...

He is my student...

I can turn him a good boy..."


Eventually, I foung him along with his friend so I took him and his friend back to their



A few days later, he couldn't keep studying with me, so he quit.

For 6months, I did my best to make him study hard but I failed.

I think the reason is that he has some trouble with studying.


 A year later, 

his mother called and told me that she moved and wanted to invite me to her new house

after arranging the house. But she hadn't called me yet and I am worried that something

unexpected happen to her.


Yesterday, I heard a news about him. His bad behavior gets worse and worse and

as well as his younger brother even though he is only 15 years old. 

To make matters worse, his mother has cancer. I am dumbfounded. I feel very sorry for them.


He was my student and I know how sad his mother is for them.

when he was my student, she and I talked a lot.

But I don't want to know their sorrow any more. I don't want to be hurt by them any more.


On the other hand, if she dies for cancer, I can guess how I will regret so much that I didn't

call to comfort. I'm afraid of that.


Here is the question Jason, 

What will I do?




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hnine 2013-07-05 09:26   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
top님은 물론이고 남편되시는 분도 참 좋은 분이시네요. 그 학생의 부모님의 태도가 안타깝기도 하고, 또 자식을 키우는 입장에서 그 마음이 전혀 이해안가는바도 아니고, 복잡한 감정이 드니 마지막 문장도 그런 뜻으로 쓰셨을까요?

2013-07-05 11:36   URL
비밀 댓글입니다.

2013-07-05 12:05   URL
비밀 댓글입니다.

2013-07-05 13:38   URL
비밀 댓글입니다.

Jessica wanted to have gimbap, I made it for her.

Have you ever seen it? Most Koreans, including my family, like it.


Rice, dried lavers, pickled radish, carrots, spanach, eggs are main ingredents and

we can add some other ingredients like Gimchi, meat, sesame leaves etc.

If you visit my house someday, we can make it together. Isn't it fun just imagining?

I am sure that you will like it so much.


I am interested in foreign food. I want to introduce wonderful Korean food to foreign countries 

and I also want to try wonderful foreign food.









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My house was disinfected, we, Jessica and I could not stay there.

We went to the church that is near my house i told you before, in the morning,

and actually, after our class.

There are big buildings in the church.



This is the main building in the church.



There is the coffee shop in this building.



It is inside of the coffee shop that i enjoy drinking coffee and snacks.



 I like espresso coffee. Do you see the book, Secret?

We read books and had some conversation.

After 2hours, we went back home and cleaned the house.

Mopping the floor, that always makes me feel sick to my arms.


I feel shy to write a diary in English.

I want to open this diary only you but I don't know how to do it.




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애초의 제목은 "번짱의 추억 속으로~기림사"였으나, 

강풍? 비? 오르막? 견인人의 급불참?? ...등등의 트집으로 "유후후~경주^^"로 변경한다.

흐린날의 유원지는 그야말로 한적한,유유자적의 표상임을 알게 된다.^^

 양푼이 동태탕, 흐린 날씨와 걸맞아 라이딩의 목적이 차라리 이 얼큰한 점심이 되어도  













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양철나무꾼 2011-06-08 16:32   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
얼큰이동태탕 사진 앞에서 한참 침 흘렸어요, 꿀꺽~^^

Grace 2011-06-11 18:11   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아~ 진짜 한 입 주고 싶다는...ㅎㅎ

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