As the researchers note, "A break causes an im-provement that is larger than the hourly deterioration."That is, scores go down after noon. But scores go up by a higher amount after breaks.

Short breaks from a task can prevent habituation, help us maintain focus, and reactivate our commitment to a goal. And frequent short breaks are more effective than occasional ones.

researchers suggest that organizations "introduce physically active breaks during the workday routine."Regular short walking breaks in the workplace also increase motivation and concentration and enhance creativity.

Talking with coworkers about something other than work—are more effective at reducing stress and improving than either cognitive breaks (answering e-mail) or nutrition breaks(getting a snack).

Nature breaks may replenish us the most. -Being close to trees, plants, rivers, and streams is a powerful mental restorative, one whose potency most of us don‘t appreciate.

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Ample evidence has shown that adults perform best on this sort of thinking during the mornings. When we wake up, our body temperature slowly rises. That rising temperature gradually boosts our energy level and alertness and that, in turn, enhances our executive functioning, our ability to concentrate, and our powers of deduction. For most of us, those sharp-minded analytic capacities peak in the late morning or around noon."

In short, all of us experience the day in three stages—a peak, a trough, and a rebound. And about three-quarters of us (larks and third birds) experience it in that order. But about one in four people, those whose genes or age make them night owls, experience the day in something closer to the reverse order—recovery, trough, peak.

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핵심 자원: 고객에게 가지 명제를 제공하기 위해 피력, 기술, 제품, 시설, 장비, 자금, 브랜드.

핵심 프로세스: 기업이 지속적이고 반복적이면서 대규모의 관리 가능한 방식으로 고객가치 명제 약속을 지키는 방법.

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Since de Mairan‘s discovery nearly three centuries ago, scientists have established that nearly all living things—from singlecell organisms that lurk in ponds to multicellular organisms that drive minivans—have biological clocks. These internal time keepers play an essential role in proper functioning. They govern a collection of what are called circadian rhythms (from the Latin circa [around) and diem [day]) that set the daily backbeat of every creature‘s life.

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이익창출 공식 : 기업이 자신과 주주들을 위한 가치 창조 방법을 정의 하는 경제 청사진. 이 공식은 자산과 고정비용 구조뿐만 아니라 이것 들을 커버하는 데 필요한 마진과 속도를 구체화한다.

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