Adopting any change is the same way. You get started by taking one small step, one action at a time. Progress is slow, but once a newly formed habit has kicked in, Big Mo joins the party. Your success and results compound rapidly.

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The key is staying aware. If you really want to manage a good habit, make sure you pay attention to it at least once a day, and you‘re far more likely to succeed.

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Your life comes down to this formula:

CHOICE + BEHAVIOR + HABIT + COMPOUNDED = GOALS(decision) (action) (repeated action) (time)

That‘s why it‘s imperative to figure out which behaviors are blocking the path that leads to your goal, and which behaviors will help you accomplish your goal.

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A single poor habit, which doesn‘t look like much in the moment, can ultimately lead you miles off course from the direction of your goals and the life you desire.

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What area, person, or circumstance in your life do you struggle with the most? Start journaling all the aspects of that situation that you are grateful for. Keep a record of everything that reinforces and expands your gratitude in that area.

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