Sorry, I've JUST checked your mail. Hotmail is NOT my main email address. If my sis didn't let me know it, I wouldn't check it till next year. Anyway, I really appreciate it. For you, I enjoyed, and had a great day. :D  

How about Korean films? Are they good or ? Frankly, the list I gave you is not my taste, but typical. My (own private) list is wired. (or you'd say it's eerie! :D) A lot of korean films are, you already know, boring. Just few, good. So it's very hard to recommend you THE "ULTIMATE" LIST.  

Here is the deal. I'll tell you Korean flim list I watched that gave me "(cinematic) shock" this year. Some are released on DVD and will soon, but the others, I'm not sure. I hope they are all released when you BE HERE.  



1. 페어러브 (The Fair Love)  

Boy meets Girl and they fell in love. But, what if he loves his friend's daughter? It's NOT "American Beauty" or "Damage". It's about "growing up." A special love story, very cute.  


2. 경계도시 2 (The Border City 2, Documentary)   

Documented what happened in 2003 HERE. The National Security Law, freedom of ideology and lunatic witch hunt. This is the other side of South Korea you had been. Definitely, sad but true.  


3. 집나온 남자들 (Looking for My Wife)   

I'd say it's Korean Odyssey. Hard to meet his wife, Penelope. Some typical but the rest funny. To love and live with is not same. Welcome to the club! :D  


4. 원 나잇 스탠드 (One Night Stand)   

3 parted omnibus. You'd feel 1st is normal and 2nd is boring but the last segment, you'll love it. It's story about; culture and gender, friendship and love, misunderstanding and understanding, comedy and melodrama. First of all, Very Funny.  


5. 하녀 (The Housemaid)   

Forget about "The Housemaid, 1960" I presented you . This is not remake film. It's- no offence, literally - "totally fucked up" cinema. You'd know my words.  


6. 시 (Poetry) 

The title "Si(Korean Pronunciation)" means poetry(詩) but also corpse(屍). This film starts with a corpse and ends with a poem. But this is about ethic and dilemma. Ethic for the parents(or the protector) and ethic for people(or the citizen). If your relative concerns with murder, what would you choose?  


7. 하하하 (Hahaha)   

HONG Sangsoo's works looks simple. You couldn't find story well, but you'd feel the mood, think of the relationship about characters and (finally) reflect your life. Watch and experience it, and you'll check his films.  


8. 악마를 보았다 (I Saw The Devil)   

What is "Seeing?" It is appetite. What is "Movie"? (I think) it is life. (To me) seeing movie is experiencing others' life. They must not be appetite, but we don't care. We want to see MONSTER in the film. Which one has priority, your appetite or others' life? This film would give you an answer. But, Beware!  


9. 김복남 살인 사건의 전말 (Bedevilled)   

Assailants and onlookers, which one is worse? Anyone can't live like Boknam(main character's name), but anyone can be(-devilled). Sympathy (and Catharsis) for Lady Vengeance. Hot and Lunatic!  


10. emptied for not released film yet.  



This is it. I'll post it on my blog because it's hard to DO cut and paste film posters I mentioned. In that ways, "Aladin Blog" service is great! Print this post and keep it well. When you be here, you can find Korean films well.  

If you communicate with me, email to, please.  

Take care! :D

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