삶에 대하여 - 한권의시 15
K.지브란 / 태학당 / 2000년 1월
평점 :
"It is the first sip from the cup filled by the goddess with the nectar of Life. It is the dividing line between Doubt that beguiles the spirit and saddens the heart, and Certitude that floods the inner self with joy. It is the beginning of the song of Life and the first act in the drama of the Ideal Man. It is the bond that unites the strangeness of the past with the brightness of the future; the link between the silence of the feelings and their song. It is a word uttered by four lips proclaiming the heart a throne, Love a King, and fidelity a crown. It is the gentle touch of the delicate fingers of the breeze on the lips of the rose-uttering a long sigh of relief and a sweet moan.
It is the beginning of that magic vibration that carries the lovers from the world of weights and measures into the world of dreams and revelations.
It is the union of two fragrant flowers; and the mingling of their fragrance toward the creation of a third soul. As the first glance is like a seed sown by the goddess in the field of the human heart, so the first kiss is the first flower at the tip of the branch of the Tree of Life."