Calvin's Company of Pastors: Pastoral Care and the Emerging Reformed Church, 1536-1609 (Paperback)
Scott M. Manetsch / Oxford Univ Pr / 2015년 2월
평점 :


, the pastors of Geneva devoted much of their time and energy to addressing practical matters of Christian discipleship, enjoining townspeople and peasants alike to conduct lives characterized by faith, hope, love, and repentance..... Theology for them was not an abstract academic enterprise, but rather was always related to ministry through Word, Sacrament, and service. Theology for them was indeed always 'practical'.


Increasingly, political independence and religious reformation were seen as part of the same holy cause. This twofold concern was stamped onto Geneva's newly minted trois deniers coin in 1533 : one side stated, "Our God fights for us" ; the reverse side read, "After darkness, light"


One of the most important dimensions of his legacy was to consolidate the Reformation in the city and establish religious institutions that preserved his distinctive theological vision well beyond his lifetime.


I was seven times forced to flee, recalled, condemned, absolved, forced to wander about ... but the Lord was my refuge throughout all these calamities.


The scriptural office of Christian minister, he asserted, involved nourshing and instructing God's people on the divine Word by means of sermon, sacraments, catechism, spiritual conversation, and corrective discipline. The minister's authority was ultimately derived from and delimited by the Word of God that they proclaimed.


The pastoral vocation also requires that ministers pray faithfully for and on behalf of their congregation. Whereas theological professors are reponsible for explaining the Scriptures and instructing catechumens, pastors "apply the doctrine by preaching to the needs of the church, teaching, rebuking, consoling, and exhorting as is required" and "making public prayers." pastors are thus spiritual shepherds who "watch over their spiritual flock day and night, feeding them on the Word of life both in public and in private."


God is honored when his creatures trust in him, serve him with thrie entire lives,


One thins alone refreshes me : the peace of my family, the mutual affection and harmony that I share with colleagues and professors, the progress of the school. If I did not have these things, I would no longer live.


Did the ministers and their wives share emotional intimacy and affection in their marriage relationships? Were the pastors and their wives devoted and loving parents, committed to the emotional well-being and nurture of their children?


Toward noon, which was the hour of her birth, Marie fell asleep in the Lord. She had lived seven years, four months, and fourteen days. Her speech and life left her as she was praying to the Lord Jesus. Oh, most high and righterous judge of all the earth, I worship your judgments. I recognize that I deserve much more than this so harsh a wound. Have pity on me and my family. Comfort the father and mother who are suffering. Withdraw the scourge of your anger. Do not pass judgment on your servants, Lord, for the sake of the love of Jesus Christ, my Master and Savor!


Satan, on the other hand, attempts to destroy the Word of God by depriving the church of faithful ministers.... by frightening would-be preachers with the dread of poverty and hunger.


Sermons and books were not created ex nihilo, but required pastors to spend many hours behind their desks, studying the biblical text(in the original Greek and Hebrew languages), consulting commentaries, reading the lastest theological work, praying, and writing. The Ecclesiastical Ordinances(1541) mandated that Geneva's pastors be lifelong students of the sacred text


But even as they acknowledged the importance of personal study, Calvin and Beza warned would-be ministers against becoming bookworms, aloof from the problems and needs of their parishoners. Scholarship was always done in the service of the church.

Faithful pastors must have a through knowledge of the Scripture and biblical doctrine..... necessary desire for a preacher to be diligent and careful in study so that he has something to feed his sheep..... A true pastor not only attends to the reading of Scripture ... but also guards his flock. The faithful Christian pastor must be a competent stduent of the Holy Scriptures and attentive to the needs of his congregation : he must never be an ivory-tower theologian cut off from the people whom he is called to serve.

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