According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the Bible (Paperback)
Goldsworthy, Graeme / Intervarsity Pr / 2002년 10월
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Most commentaries on the Bible text concentrate on the meaning that the original writer or speaker intended. But we must go beyond this to the question of what the text means for us now. Once we understand what the biblical author was actually saying we look for its present meaning for us. This is what interpretation is about.


Jesus also claims that he himself is the subject of the Old Testament. His teachings constantly point to the Old Testament as that which he fulfills. Thus the Old Testament does not stand on its own, because it is incomplete without its conclusion and fulfillment in the person and work of Christ. No part of it can be rightly understood without him. In this sense it is about Christ. God's revelation in Scripture is progressive, moving by stages from the original promises given to Israel, until the fullest time meaning of these promises is revealed in Christ. While we come to understand the New Testament in the light of what goes before it in the Old Testament, it is God's fullest revelation and final word in Christ that gives meaning to all things. Thus Christ, and therefore the New Testament, interpretes the Old Testament.


God speaks through a word that is both divine and human. We see this in the Word of God, Jesus Christ, who is both God and man. (중략) Word who becomes flesh, helps us to understand the nature of the Bible as a divine-human word.


Jesus is man. He communicates with us through his humanity. He lived in human history as a first century Jew of Palestine. He was a truely and fully human. He experienced the whole range of human emotions, suffering and temptations. The significant exception was that he was untouched by original sin, and he committed no actual sin.


It is important to see that Jesus did not come because the time was fulfilled, but rather he fulfilled the time by coming.


God's ultimate purpose for his kingdom means that he will not withraw his love from the fallen universe. (중략) God id still soverign, and even human rebellion can never thwart his purpose.


This biblical perspective which asserts that human responsibility and divine sovereignty are somehow intertwined without either being in any way compromised, is something that we must come to terms with even though it is beyond our powers of understanding.


He chooses because he loves and he loves because he loves (Deut 7:6-11)


The event of saving history in the Old Testament prefigures and demonstrate the pattern of the one true and perfect saving act yet to come. (중략) Typology sees the historical events in the Old Testament as providing the focus of faith in the promises of God which point beyond these events to the reality which is to come in Christ.


This fear is not a terror of God, rather it is a response of reverent awe and trust to the redemptive revelation of God.


The implication of the covenant for social justice, fidelity in marriage, honesty, compassion for the poor ... are constantly set before us...


The incarnation of God is at the very center of the gospel event by which God restores the true relationship between himself and the human race.


Not only does he prech the prophetic word, he is is the Word.


He is true God, true man and true created order, dwelling together perfectly. "God with us" is not merely God living in our world among human beings, but God dwells with the true and representative man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.


The focal point of the kingdom is no longer a building in the land of Judah, rather it is himself, wherever his presence is to be found.


Thus, we are born again by Christ's resurrection. Through his resurrection we enter into newness of life.


God gives us the necessary guidelines, but he dose not make our decisions for us.

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