1. C. S. Lewis Mere Christianity The best case for the essentials of orthodox Christianity in print. David S. Dockery
2. Dietrich Bonhoeffer The Cost of Discipleship Leaves you wondering why you ever thought complacency or compromise in the Christian life was an option. Mark Buchanan
3. Karl Barth Church Dogmatics Opened a new era in theology in which the Bible, Christ, and saving grace were taken seriously once more. J. I. Packer
4. J. R. R. Tolkien The Lord of the Rings (trilogy) A classic for children from 9 to 90. Bears constant re-reading. J. I. Packer
5. John Howard Yoder The Politics of Jesus Some 30 years after this book was published, the church has found itself culturally in a more marginal position, and this book is making wider and wider sense. Rodney Clapp
6. G.K. Chesterton Orthodoxy A rhetorically inventive exposition of the coherence of Christian truth. David Neff
7. Thomas Merton The Seven Storey Mountain A painfully candid story of one Christian soul's walk with grace and struggle, it has become the mark against which all other spiritual autobiographies must be measured. Phyllis Tickle
8. Richard Foster Celebration of Discipline After Foster finishes each spiritual discipline, you not only know what it is, why it's important, and how to do it-you want to do it. Mark Buchanan
9. Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest A treasury of daily devotional readings that has fed the souls of millions of Christians in the twentieth century. Future generations of Christians must continue to draw from this treasury. Richard J. Mouw
10. Reinhold Niebuhr Moral Man and Immoral Society Introduced a breathtakingly insightful, shrewd, and cunning realism about human sin, especially in its social expressions, rooted in biblical theology and a penetrating appraisal of the dark era into which the Western world had entered. David P. Gushee

THE OTHER 90 in alphabetical order by author
Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart
Alcoholics Anonymous (The Big Book of A.A.)
Roland Bainton Here I Stand
Karl Barth The Epistle to the Romans
Ernest Becker The Denial of Death
Robert N. Bellah, ET AL. Habits of the Heart
Georges Bernanos The Diary of a Country Priest
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Letters and Papers from Prison
David Bosch Transforming Mission
Walter Brueggemann The Prophetic Imagination
Emil Brunner Truth as Encounter
Albert Camus The Plague
Edward John Carnell The Case for Orthodox Christianity
Willa Cather Death Comes for the Archbishop
Dorothy Day The Long Loneliness
Annie Dillard Pilgrim at Tinker
Creek Documents of Vatican II W. E. B.
Dubois The Souls of Black Folk
T. S. Eliot Four Quartets
Ralph Ellison Invisible Man
Jacques Ellul The Technological Society
Shusaku Endo Silence
Anne Frank The Diary of Anne Frank
Victor Frankl Man's Search for Meaning
Sigmund Freud Civilization and Its Discontents The Fundamentals
Langdon Gilkey Shantung Compound
Carol Gilligan In a Different Voice
Graham Greene The Power and the Glory
John Howard Griffin Black Like Me
Gustavo Gutierrez A Theology of Liberation
Philip Paul Hallie Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed
Stanley Hauerwas A Community of Character
Vaclav Havel Living in Truth
Richard Hays The Moral Vision of the New Testament
Carl F. H. Henry God, Revelation, and Authority (six volumes)
John R. Hersey Hiroshima
Abraham Heschel The Prophets
Aldous Huxley Brave New World
William James The Varieties of Religious Experience
Franz Kafka The Trial
Martin Luther King, Jr. A Testament of Hope
Thomas S. Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird
Aldo Leopold A Sand County Almanac
C. S. Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia (especially The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) and The Screwtape Letters
J. Gresham Machen Christianity and Liberalism
Alasdair C. MacIntyre After Virtue
Malcolm X and Alex Haley The Autobiography of Malcolm X
George M. Marsden Fundamentalism and American Culture
Francois Mauriac Viper's Tangle
Jurgen Moltmann The Crucified God
Richard John Neuhaus The Naked Public Square
Lesslie Newbigin The Gospel in a Pluralist Society
Reinhold Niebuhr The Nature and Destiny of Man (two volumes)
H. Richard Niebuhr Christ and Culture
Kathleen Norris The Cloister Walk
Henri J. M. Nouwen The Wounded Healer
Anders Nygren Agape and Eros
Elizabeth O'Connor Journey Inward, Journey Outward
Flannery O'Connor A Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories
Rudolf Otto The Idea of the Holy
J. I. Packer Knowing God
Alan Paton Cry, the Beloved Country
Jaroslav Pelikan Jesus Through the Centuries
Josef Pieper The Four Cardinal Virtues
Michael Polanyi Personal Knowledge
Chaim Potok The Chosen
Walter Rauschenbusch Christianity and the Social Crisis
Dorothy L. Sayers The Mind of the Maker
Albert Schweitzer The Quest of the Historical Jesus
Nevil Shute On the Beach
Ronald J. Sider Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger
Alexander Solzhenitsyn The Gulag Archipelago and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
John R. W. Stott Basic Christianity
Paul Tournier The Meaning of Persons
A. W. Tozer The Pursuit of God
Barbara Tuchman The Guns of August
Evelyn Underhill Mysticism
Miroslav Volf Exclusion and Embrace
Gerhard von Rad Old Testament Theology
Andrew F. Walls The Missionary Movement in Christian History
Max Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Simone Weil Waiting for God
Elie Wiesel Night Charles Williams Descent into Hell
Walter Wink Engaging the Powers
Philip Yancey The Jesus I Never Knew




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