피아노 연습의 원리(Fundamentals of Piano Practice)

(알라딘에 이북으로도 검색이 안되어서 부득이 위키 소스 링크 첨부)

The most important aspect of learning piano is brain development and higher intelligence.

Practicing something that wasn't meant to be performed is not only a waste of time but also

destroys any sense of music you originally had.

the force needed to play the piano is about equal to the weight of the arm.

Trying to acquire technique hands together is the main cause of speed walls, bad habits,

injury, and stress.

Practicing slowly hands together and gradually ramping up the speed is what we tend to do intuitively, but it turns out to be one of the worst ways to practice because it wastes so much time and you are training the hands to execute slow motions that are different from what you need at the final speed. Some students compound the problem by using the metronome as a constant guide to ramp up the speed or to keep the rhythm.

This is one of the worst abuses of the metronome. Metronomes should be used only briefly to check the timing (speed and rhythm). If over used, it can lead to loss of your internal rhythm, loss of musicality, and biophysical difficulties from over-exposure to rigid repetition (the brain can actually start to counteract the metronome click and you may either not hear the click or hear it at the wrong time).

Technique for speed is acquired by discovering new hand motions, not by speeding up a slow motion; i.e., the hand motions for playing slowly and fast are different. This is why trying to speed up a slow motion leads to speed walls --because you are trying to do

the impossible. Speeding up a slow play is like asking a horse to speed up a walk to the speed of a gallop -- it can't. A horse must change from walk to trot to canter and then to gallop. If you force a horse to walk at the speed of a canter, it will hit a speed wall and will most likely injure itself by kicking its own hoofs to shreds.

Playing fast can be detrimental to performance as well as to memory. Playing fast can cause “fast play degradation”, and the best way to test your memory is to play slowly.

It does not make sense to ask whether music is art or math; they are both properties of music.

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