죽는 날까지 하늘을 우러러                                   Even the wind blowing through the leaves

한 점 부끄럼이 없기를,                                         causes me to grieve

잎새에 이는 바람에도 나는 괴로워했다.                   so that without the slightest shame

별을 노래하는 마음으로                                         I may lift my eyes heavenward

모든 죽어가는 것을 사랑해야지                               until the day I die.

그리고 나한테 주어진 길을                                     With my heart singing to the stars

걸어가야겠다.                                                     I shall love all mortal things.

                                                                         And I shall ever tread the path

오늘밤에도 별이 바람에 스치운다.                          assigned to me.


                                                                       Even tonight the wind caresses the stars.

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