<Rubber Soul>


In My Life


There are places I'll remember all my life

Though some have changed

Some forever not for better

And some have gone and some remain

All these places have their moments

With lovers and friends I still can recall

Some are dead and some are living

In my life I've loved them all


But of all these friends and lovers

There is no one compares with you

And these memories lose their meaning

When I think of love as something new

Though I know I'll never ever lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more


Though I know I'll never ever lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think of them

In my life I love you more

I love you more

I love you more

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똑또루 2006-02-09 23:24   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
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흐르는 물 2006-02-10 09:42   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
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