SOLUTION (Keith, Skeoch)


Down to the wire, on the end of the road

Down to the wire, and the kids don’t know

Mother Nature’s on her knees, and we’re the reason of her disease

Hangin’ off the ceiling, climbing up the walls

Crawling on my hands and knees to make it through it all


Now we can change or stay the same, one’s the answer and the next to blame

Solution is a world of change


If we’re gonna make it through tomorrow


Down in the dirt and fallin’ out on the street

Crossin’ the line myself [to make it to me]

Mother Nature’s still on her knees, and we’re the reason of her disease

Hangin’ off the ceiling, climbing up the walls

Crawling on my hands and knees to make it through it all


Now we can change or stay the same, one’s the answer and the next insane

Solution is a world of change


If we’re gonna make it through tomorrow

The solution is to make a change today, oh yeah


Make it, I said make it!




Down to the wire, on the end of the road

Down to the wire, all the kids don’t know

Mother Nature’s down on her knees, and we’re the reason of her disease

Hangin’ off the ceiling, climbing up the walls

Crawling on my hands and knees, just to make it, just to make it


Now we can change or stay the same, one’s the answer and the next to blame

Solution is a world of change


If we’re gonna make it through tomorrow

The solution is to make a change today, okay


If we ever make it, now will we ever make it

Through tomorrow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow

Through tomorrow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow - ah!


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