킹덤 오브 헤븐 (2disc) - 아웃케이스 없음
리들리 스코트 감독, 올란도 브룸 외 출연 / 20세기폭스 / 2005년 10월

Balian (to the people of Jerusalem):
It has fallen to us to defend Jerusalem and we have made our preparation as well as they can be made.
None of us took this city from Muslims. No Muslims of the great army now coming against us was born when this city was lost.
We fight over an offence we did not give against those who were not alive to be offended.

What is Jerusalem?
Your holy places lies over the Jewish temple that the Roman pulled down.
The Muslim places of worship lie over yours.
Which is more holy? The wall? The Mosque? The sepulcher?
Who has claim?
No one has claim. All have claim.
We defend the city, not to protect these stones, but the people living within these walls.-1:41:13쪽

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