The One Minute Manager (Paperback, New ed)
케네스 블랜차드 & 스펜서 존슨 지음 / Harper Collins / 2000년 7월
평점 :

How many times did we make negative reinformcement to subordinates?  It's easy to blame them for not accomplishing their goals.  But did I make clear to them about what they were supposed to achieve?

Did I catch them doing right or wrong? Most of times doing wrong. As the author pointed out, it will only make them scared of taking any initiative. Especially when I criticize them, I discourage them.

Here One Minute Manager shows secret: One Munite Goals, One Munite Praisings, and One Munite Reprimands. How simple they seem to be! Yet, difficult to practice.

If you have strong will and desire to be most effective manager, learn and do what you learn from this book!

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