I was given an allowance of about $2,000 a week. If I wanted a pair of sneakers that my conservators didn’t think I needed, I would be told no. This was despite the fact that I did 248 shows and sold more than 900,000 tickets in Vegas. Each show paid hundreds of thousands of dollars.
좀 부럽다. 일주일 용돈 250만원. 물론 내가 버는 돈을 가족들이 제한하는 건 싫지만. 피성년후견인이라는 것도 말도 안되고. 이쯤 되면 가족이라도 갈라설 것 같다.
거기다 스태프에게 감사 표시도 이 돈 안에서 해야한다면. 그건 좀 아닌듯.

I used to love buying my family houses and cars. But there came a point when they started to take things for granted, and the family didn’t realize that those things were possible because I’m an artist. And because of how they treated me, for years I lost touch with my creativity.
I was given an allowance of about $2,000 a week. If I wanted a pair of sneakers that my conservators didn’t think I needed, I would be told no. This was despite the fact that I did 248 shows and sold more than 900,000 tickets in Vegas. Each show paid hundreds of thousands of dollars.
One of the only nights that I went out with a friend and others, including my dancers, for dinner, I tried to pick up the check for our whole party. The check was a thousand dollars,because the group was so big, but I had wanted to take them out—it was important to me that they knew how much I appreciated how hard they worked. My purchase was declined. I didn’t have enough money in my "allowance" account to cover it.