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At first everybody kind of freaked out, because we thought we were going to have to build the robert from scratch.

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외국 나갔다 오느라 계획 다 틀어짐.
폭풍 휘몰아치듯 밀린 강의 들어야 하는데 졸리고 돌겠다

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제일 처음에 나오는 이 문장을 명쾌하게 번역한 책이 없다… 너무 멋진 책인데 다음 장으로 못 넘어간다 ㅠ

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우와 이건 번역을 하면 어떻게 되려나? 말과 보는 것의 관계에서 비가역성을 찾다니.

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지참금? 혼수…를 낮게 부르다 높여 부르는데도 훈이 엄마가 속으로 기뻐하는 걸 보니 일서랑 또 느낌이 다르넹

"No dowry, of course, and surely, the father could not expect much in the way of gifts. Perhaps a few laying hens, cotton cloth for Yangjin’s sisters, six or seven sacks of millet to get them through the winter." Hearing no protest at the tally of gifts, the matchmaker grew bolder, "Maybe a goat. Or a small pig. The family has so little, and bride prices have come down so much. The girl wouldn’t need any jewelry." The matchmaker laughed a little.

With a flick of her thick wrist, Hoonie’s mother showered the radish with sea salt. The matchmaker could not have known how hard Hoonie’s mother was concentrating and thinking about what the woman wanted. The mother would have given up anything to raise the bride price demanded;

The matchmaker continued. "I remember holding my first son when he was a baby. How happy I was! He was as white as a basket of fresh rice cakes on New Year’s—soft and juicy as warm dough. Tasty enough to take a bite. Well, now he’s just a big dolt," feeling the need to add a complaint to her bragging.

Hoonie’s mother smiled, finally, because the image was almost too vivid for her.

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