처음에 첫번째 사진을 보고는 진짜 아기인 줄 알았다.^^;; 

These babies are made of cake frosting , but who could take a bite? THIS WOMAN IS DEFINITELY TALENTED....

Marzipan Babies
Thought you'd be as fascinated with these as I. These are made with marzipan....really unbelievable! Every detail is amazing, and they look VERY real.

Marzipan is Almond paste: a sweet paste made of ground almonds and sugar, often with egg whites or yolks, used as a layer in cakes or molded into ornamental shapes.

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노이에자이트 2011-03-27 21:51   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
이거 씹어먹고 있는 사진을 올린다면 더 충격! 이겠죠? 속에서 빨간 잼이 나온다면 으스스...

후애(厚愛) 2011-03-28 04:46   좋아요 0 | URL
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