아 너무 멋진다. 숨은그림 찾기 같다. 사람 얼굴 그리고 동물들 찾기... 너무 재밌다. 여러분들도 한 번 찾아 보세요. 재밌습니다.^^

1.에스키모와 곰이 보이시나요?

2.사람 얼굴은요? 눈과 코, 그리고 입술...

3.어떤 동물이 보이시나요? ㅋㅋㅋ

4. 5~ 20번까지 여러분들이 찾아 보세요^^ ㅎㅎㅎ

밑에서 여섯번째 사진에 'LOVE' 가 있습니다.
보이시나요? ?재밌죠^^
Interesting illusion art by Donald Rust.
Donald Rust was born in Erie, Pennsylvania in 1932. He began drawing and painting at a very early age and has never had the desire to be anything but a serious artist. His early work was directly influenced by his grandfather, Emil Rust, Gil Elvgren, Bob Toombs, and Norman Rockwell. However, he feels there has been no one single influence in his wildlife art and insists that all wildlife artists have affected his style.
For many years, Rusty's paintings concentrated on circus and portrait subjects; but recently, wildlife subjects have intrigued him more and more.
Rust's paintings hang in the Ringling Museum of the Circus, Sarasota, Florida, the Norman Rockwell Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.
Rusty's ability to capture nature lies between fantasy and reality. Realism is his style, but he wants to take the collector's imagination one step further. He is an artist sensitive to nature and its surroundings. The beauty of his artistic documentation is distinctly his own. Rusty takes us not just to a creative visual, but to a place and a story.