언제 구경갈 수 있을지 아직 확실치는 않지만 저녁 때 했으면 더 좋지 않았을까 하는 아쉬움이 든다. 그래도 출판사들의 초청이라고 해서 강연집이 추후에 출간될 수도 있다고 하니 뭐 못 가게 되더라도.. 근데 금요일은 통역이 없다나? 그날은 HK 주최 문명 포럼이라 박기순 선생님의 스피노자와 데리다의 폭력론에 대한 발표도 있을 거라는 소문이 있다. 다음은 요새 드문드문 읽고 있는 Julie Rose가 번역한 영역본 <불화>Disagreement의 몇몇 밑줄긋기 


The party of the poor embodies nothing other than politics itself as the setting-up of a part of those who have no part. (14)

The foundation of politics is not in fact more a matter of convention than of nature, the sheer contingency of any social order. politics exists simply because no social order is based on nature, no divine law regulates human society.(16)

politics does not exist because men, through the privilege of speech, place their interest in common. politics exists because tthose who have no right to be counted as speaking beings make themselves of some account, setting-up a community....(27)

Political subjectification redefines the field of experience that gave to each their ships between the ways of doing, of being, and of saying that define the perceptible organization of the community.....(40) 

politics is not made up of power relationships; it is made up of relationships between worlds.(42)

the inferior has understood the superior's  order because the inferior takes part in the same community of speaking beings and so is, in this sense, their equal. In short, we can deduce that the inequality of social ranks works only because of the very equality of speaking beings.(49)


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