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panda78 2004-09-20 16:36   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
으아, 불독이 세 마리나...;;;;

하이드 2004-09-20 16:51   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
안고 있는 강아지가 보스톤 테리어인데요, 저희 강아지. 이름이 루시에요. ㅎㅎ
스카페타 시리즈 주인공중 스카페타가 딸처럼 여기는 루시랑 이름이 같아요.

panda78 2004-09-20 21:51   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아, 한마리 더 있구나. ^^
조카죠, 루시.. 나중에 바이캡 프로그램 까는 데 공헌을 하던가.. 그랬던 듯.

panda78 2004-09-20 21:51   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
미스 하이드님네 멍멍이 보고 싶어요- *ㅂ* 어떤 멍멍일까---

하이드 2004-09-20 23:15   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아, 근데, 다시보니 , 이 작가도 디게 멋있다.

panda78 2004-09-20 23:16   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
그죠- 책 뒤에 나와있는 사진 보고 오옷- 배우해도 되겠다, 그랬었어요. ^^



괴물과 싸우는 사람은 그 과정에서 자신도 괴물이 되지 않도록 조심해야 한다.

우리가 심연을 들여다보면, 심연 또한 우리를 들여다본다.               

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - 니체 -


로버트 K. 레슬러 : ' serial killer' 라는 말을 처음으로 사용하기 시작함.

* FBI ( Federal Bureau of Investigation )  미연방수사국

* BSU ( Behavioral Science Unit )  행동과학부

* sexual homicide  쾌락살인

* CID ( Criminal Investigation Department ) 미군 범죄수사대

* FBN ( Federal Bureau of Narcotics) 연방 마약 수사국

* SDS ( Students for a Democratic Society )

*FBINA ( Federal Bereau of Investigation National Academy ) FBI  국립 아카데미

* Serial Killer 연쇄살인범

* NCAB ( National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime )  국립강력범죄 연구소

* VICAP ( Violent Criminal Apprehension Program ) 강력범죄자 체포 프로그램

* CPRP ( Criminal Personality Research Project ) 범죄인 성격 조사 프로젝트



1) 로버트 케네디 상원의원 암살 - 시란시란

At about 12:15 am on June 5, 1968, Sirhan Sirhan shot presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Kennedy, who was leaving a campaign rally, was mortally wounded and died the next day. (Kennedy's death came just two months after the assassination of Martin Luther King by James Earl Ray.) Sirhan was an Arab who had emigrated to the United States in the 1950s and was reportedly disturbed by Kennedy's pro-Israel positions. After a 1969 trial lasting nearly four months, Sirhan was convicted and sentenced to death. That sentence was commuted to life in prison and Sirhan has been in prison in California ever since; his repeated applications for parole have been denied.

2) 사교 교주 찰스 맨슨

Charles Manson was a would-be musician and charismatic petty criminal who found his way to San Francisco when the 1960s drug culture was at its height. By the end of the decade, he and several members of his "family" settled on borrowed land outside of Los Angeles. Believing he was a modern incarnation of Jesus Christ, and figuring he could benefit from a race war in America, Manson convinced followers to go on a murderous spree in 1969, during which they killed seven people. The most prominent victim was actress Sharon Tate, the wife of film director Roman Polanski. The subsequent murder trial lasted seven months (at the time the longest and most expensive in U.S. history), and resulted in guilty verdicts and death sentences for Manson and his followers. In 1972 California outlawed the death penalty, and Manson was resentenced to life in prison.


3) 맨슨의 사주 받아 살인 저지른 텍스 왓슨


4) 이민 노동자 여럿 살해한 후안 코로나


5) 13명을 죽인 허버트 멀린

6) 6명을 살해한 존 프레이저

7) 외조부모와 어머니 토막살해한 에드먼드 캠퍼




JACK THE RIPPER  •  Serial Killer

Jack the Ripper is the popular name of the unknown killer who terrorized London between August and November of 1888. (He was also called the Whitechapel Murderer, after the city district where he operated.) The exact details of the case are uncertain: five women are generally considered to be definite victims of the Ripper, though there may have been more or less. All were strangled and then had their throats cut, and many were further mutilated. The nickname Jack the Ripper came from the signature on a letter, possibly authentic, sent to a news agency during the rampage. The killings stopped as abruptly as they began, and London police were unable to solve the case or find a firm suspect. The case was closed officially in 1892, but the mysterious anonymity of the killer has kept the case in the public eye ever since.

GARY RIDGWAY  •  Murderer

On 5 November 2003 Gary Leon Ridgway confessed to 48 murders in Seattle's King County, making him the most prolific convicted serial killer in United States history. Ridgway grew up in the Seattle area and worked as a truck painter at the time of the killings, most of which occurred in a 19-month period beginning in 1982. The victims had been strangled and their bodies dumped in ravines and near highways in the vicinity of the Green River in northwestern Washington. The so-called Green River Killer chose mostly prostitutes and runaways. Eventually law enforcement officials released a list of 49 names they believed to be victims of the same killer -- although some of those listed were missing and presumed dead. In 1984 Ridgway was indentified as a suspect (he had been seen with one of the victims shortly before she went missing), but the investigation didn't turn up any hard evidence against him. In 2001 he was arrested and charged with four counts of murder after being linked by DNA evidence from a saliva sample he had provided in 1987. In March of 2003 he was charged with 3 more murders in King County, Washington. His guilty plea in November 2003 was part of a deal that spared him the death penalty and gave him a lifelong prison term. Ridgway, who after his arrest led police to four more bodies, confessed to killing 42 of the 49 victims on the list, plus six others not on the list. The Green River Killer is also suspected of murders in Oregon and British Columbia, but Ridgway's 2003 trial did not address those crimes.




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물만두 2004-09-17 14:29   좋아요 1 | 댓글달기 | URL
어제 티비 책을 말하다에서 나왔습니다...

하이드 2004-09-18 12:01   좋아요 1 | 댓글달기 | URL
아, 그렇구나. 다시보기로 봐야겠어요.

by Julian Symons

음흐흐. 재밌을 것 같다.


추천 받고,  냉큼 아마존 가서 주문.  물론 절판이고, ( 우리나라에 번역된 것도 있다고 하는데, 것도 물론 절판이다) 유명한 탐정들을 상상해서 삽화로 그린 것들.  필립말로우의 찌든 모습 . 한싸가지 하게 생긴 네로 울프의 모습 등등.  한국판은 사진으로만 봤는데,

빨리 빨리 도착해럇!


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 두 권에 18,000원

변경의 정가는 25,000원

논리의 기술은 18,000원

물론 새 책. 을지서적에서 행사하고 있다.

바바라 민토의 책은 사고 싶었는데, 처음 발행된 것이 무쟈게 오래됐고, 원서로 살래도, 아마존에 다 품절이라서, 안 사고 있었는데, 좋은 기회!


언젠가 물만두 님이 좋아한다고 하셨던 피터러브제이의 책.

(피터 러브시라고 써 있어서, 잠깐 고민했다.)

안 읽고 있는 동서추리문고의 압박. 헌책방추천도서의 압박에도 불구하고, 사 버렸다.


로알드 달의 Going Solo

The Thrilling sequel to Boy 라고 적혀있다.

ㄱ ㄱ ㅑ~! 완전 재밌겠다.

Boy 도 보고파라.   11,000원


 요것도 살려고 들었다가, 자금과 안 읽은 책들의 압박으로

참았다.  담에 꼭!

아, 스티븐 킹 책 사고 싶은거 너무 많다.





오늘 정말 개떡같은 날이다.( -> 아 이표현 오랜만 )

정말 거지발싸개 같은 기분이다.( -> 아 이말도 백만년만에 써봐)

It's One of Those days... 라고 하기엔, 너무 최악이다.

최악의 기분이 최악의 컨디션을 만들고,  최악의 컨디션이 더 최악의 기분을 만드는 악순환. 아싸!

그 좋아하는 점심을 거르고, 을지서적으로 나들이. 스마이이이이이일 끙.




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물만두 2004-09-15 18:55   좋아요 1 | 댓글달기 | URL
마지막 형사에 대한 아픈 기억이 있지요. 몇 장이 휑하니 텅 빈 파본이었다는... 그런데 그때 고려원이 망하는 바람에 교환도 못한... 아, 지금 마지막 형사를 또 사야하나 하는 고민을 하고 있는 중입니다...

하이드 2004-09-15 19:08   좋아요 1 | 댓글달기 | URL
물만두님, 복사 해서 보내드릴까요? 주소 알려주시면~ ^^
전, 영국에서 해리포터 샀는데, 오는 뱅기 안에서 70페이지 정도의 뒷부분이 앞에 와 있는 삐꾸였다는. 영국으로 돌아갈수도 없구 말이죠 -_-+

물만두 2004-09-16 11:38   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아이고, 그거이 더 속상하셨겠는데요. 복사하실 필요없어요. 그냥 2권만 살 생각입니다. 복사한거 붙이면 모양새가 좀 그렇잖아요. 제가 다른데 돈은 안써도 책에는 팍팍 쓰거든요. 어쨌든 감사합니다...


List of books:

below is a good, short-list of published works by bukowski, compiled a while ago.

Flower, Fist and Bestial Wail (1960)
Longshot Poems for Broke Players (1962)
Run with the Hunted (1962)
It Catches My Heart in Its Hands (1963)
Crucifix in a Deathhand (1965)
Cold Dogs in the Courtyard (1965)
Confessions of a Man Insane Enough to Live with Beasts (1965)
All the Assholes in the World and Mine (1966)
At Terror Street and Agony Way (1968)
Poems Written Before Jumping out of an 8 Story Window (1968)
Notes of a Dirty Old Man (1969)
A Bukowski Sampler (1969)
The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills (1969)
Fire Station (1970)
Post Office (1971)  Mockingbird Wish Me Luck (1972)
Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness (1972)
South of No North (1973)
Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame: Selected Poems 1955-1973 (1974)
Factotum (1975)

Love Is a Dog from Hell: Poems 1974-1977 (1977)
Women (1978)* o
Play the Piano Drunk/Like a Percussion Instrument/Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit (1979)
Shakespeare Never Did This (1979)
Dangling in the Tournefortia (1981) Ham on Rye (1982)
Bring Me Your Love (1983)
Hot Water Music (1983)
There's No Business (1984)
War All the Time: Poems 1981-1984 (1984)
You Get So Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense (1986)
The Movie: "Barfly" (1987)
The Roominghouse Madrigals: Early Selected Poems, 1946-1966 (1988)
Hollywood (1989)  o
Septuagenarian Stew: Stories & Poems (1990)
The Last Night of the Earth Poems (1992)
Screams from the Balcony: Selected Letters 1960-1970 (1993)
Pulp (1994)


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panda78 2004-09-14 21:34   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
잘 됐어요! ^ㅡ^ 그럼 내일 등기로 부칠게요- ^ㅂ^ 아, 참 기쁩니다.