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They’ve been coming at you relentlessly since 1961. Here’s a rundown on the complete works, with the titles of each series listed in chronological order, along with info on what’s in print and what’s not.


In the early books, he’s an angst-ridden hard-drinking ex-cop and unlicensed private eye. In later books he’s sober. He’s twenty-five years older than when I first started writing about him, and he’s gone through changes, even as you and I. Remember what Eubie Blake said on his 100th birthday? "if I’d known I was going to last this long I’d have taken better care of myself."

This 15th novel in the award-winning series finds Matthew Scudder back at work, investigating the particularly unpleasant murder of a wealthy West Side couple. When the killers are found dead less than a week later, the police close the case. But the couple's daughter doesn't believe it's that simple and hires Scudder to delve a little deeper.


Other books in the Matthew Scudder Series:

THE SINS OF THE FATHERS. First in the series. A Dell paperback original (1976), with a hardcover first edition from Dark Harvest (1992). Currently available as an Avon mass-market paperback.


TIME TO MURDER AND CREATE. The second book, although it was actually published after In the Midst of Death. A Dell paperback original (1977) and shortlisted for the Edgar award that year for best paperback mystery. A hardcover first edition was published by Dark Harvest in 1993. Currently available as an Avon mass-market paperback.


IN THE MIDST OF DEATH. A Dell paperback original (1976). Currently available as an Avon mass-market paperback. A hardcover first edition was published by G&G Books in 1995; it's out-of-print, but LB has a handful of copies available.


A STAB IN THE DARK. First published in hardcover by Arbor House in 1981, and nominated for the Shamus award. Currently available as an Avon mass-market paperback.


EIGHT MILLION WAYS TO DIE. Arbor House, 1982. The book where Scudder has to come to terms with his drinking, and the basis (sort of) for a not-very-good film with excellent performances by Jeff Bridges and Andy Garcia. Winner of the Shamus award as best novel, and shortlisted for the Edgar. Currently available as an Avon mass-market paperback.


WHEN THE SACRED GINMILL CLOSES. Arbor House, 1986. This is a prequel, with Scudder in the mid-eighties recollecting events that took place a decade earlier. A Shamus award nominee, and winner of the Japanese Maltese Falcon award. It's a favorite of a lot of readers, and I frequently suggest it as a starting point for readers new to the series. (A note to book collectors: There's no statement of printing on the copyright page of the Arbor House edition, but not to worry. They're all firsts, as there was no second printing.) Currently available as an Avon mass-market paperback.

OUT ON THE CUTTING EDGE. William Morrow, 1989. This is the one in which Scudder meets Mick Ballou. Currently available as an Avon mass-market paperback.


A TICKET TO THE BONEYARD. William Morrow, 1990. The book where Matt hooks up with Elaine again, after all those years. Winner of the Japanese Maltese Falcon award. Currently available as an Avon mass-market paperback.

A DANCE AT THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE. William Morrow, 1991. Winner of the Edgar award as best novel of the year. The book that introduces TJ. Currently available as an Avon trade paperback.







A WALK AMONG THE TOMBSTONES. William Morrow, 1992. Currently available as an Avon trade paperback.


THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU'RE DEAD. William Morrow, 1993. Winner of the Shamus award for best novel. Currently available as an Avon trade paperback.


A LONG LINE OF DEAD MEN. William Morrow, 1994. Shortlisted for the Edgar award. Currently available as an Avon trade paperback. I have copies on hand of the hardcover first edition.


EVEN THE WICKED. William Morrow, 1997. (Note to collectors: the Orion edition (UK) was published in the fall of 1996, and is sought by some as the true first edition; the press run was small, and the book's pricey.) The title's from Willa Cather: "Even the wicked get worse than they deserve." Currently available as an Avon mass-market paperback.


EVERYBODY DIES. William Morrow, 1998. People have asked whether the title's descriptive or philosophical. Why can't it be both? Currently available as an Avon mass-market paperback. The hardcover's out of print, but I have a pretty good supply.


HOPE TO DIE. William Morrow, 2001. First brought to your attention 25 years ago, Matthew Scudder is back at work, investigating the particularly unpleasant murder of a wealthy West Side couple.
To read an excerpt from this exciting new novel, click here!


Scudder has also appeared in several short stories.

And what does the future hold for Matthew Scudder? I’ll tell you, one of the reasons I’ve been able to write about him for so many years is that I never know what the guy’s gonna do next. When I do know, we'll post that info here.

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언젠가 많은 것을……


언젠가 많은 것을 말해야 할 이는

많은 것을 가슴 속에 말없이 쌓는다.

언젠가 번개에 불을 켜야 할 이는

오랫동안-   구름으로 살아야 한다.



Wer Viel Einst zu Verkuenden Hat.


Wer viel einst zu verkuenden hat,

Schweigh viel in sich hinein.

Wer einst den Blitz zu zuenden hat,

Muss lange-          Wolke sein.

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하이드 2004-11-14 02:11   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
구름으로 살아야 한다. Wolke sein.


The Red Cape _

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딸기 2004-11-13 21:56   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
우와... 그림 좋네요!

'아침에는 일하기 전이므로 과학이나 철학과 같이 머리를 쓰는 책을,

일을 한 다음에는 약간 부드러운 내용의 책을, 오후에는 역사, 수필, 비평 혹은 전기 따위를,

저녁에는 소설이나 시집을,

밤에는 마음이 어지러워지지 않는 책을 읽는게 좋다.:


- 몸 William Somerset Maugham(1874-1965), 영국의 극작가겸 소설가

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다시는 방황하지 않으리


이렇게 밤늦도록

우리 다시는 방황하지 않으리

마음은 아직 사랑에 불타고

달빛 아직 밝게 빛나고 있지만


칼날은 칼집을 닳게 하고

영혼은 가슴을 해어지게 하는 것이니

심장도 숨돌리기 위해 멈춤이 있어야 하고

사랑도 휴식이 있어야 하리


밤은 사랑을 위하여 이루어진 것

그 밤 너무 빨리 샌다 해도

우리 다시는 방황하지 않으리

달빛을 받으며


So, Well Go No More a Roving


So, well go no more a roving

So late into the night,

Though the heart be still as loving

And the moon be still as bright.


For the sword outwears its sheath,

And the soul wears out the breast,

And the heart must pause to breathe,

And love itself have rest.


Though the night was made for loving,

And the day returns too soon,

Yet well go no more a roving

By the light of the moon.


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하이드 2004-11-13 08:41   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL

[다시 한번 강조하건대, 시를 암송하는 일은 매우 즐겁고 시를 이해하는 데 큰 도움을 준다. 기억 속에 붙잡아 둠으로써 시가 우리를 소유하고 우리가 시를 더욱 가까이하여 읽을 수 있게 된다. 이것이 바로 위대한 시가 우리에게 요구하는 것이며, 또 우리에게 보상이기도 하다.]

해럴드 블룸 '교양인의 책읽기' 中

역시. 원문을 보니, 도저히 한글에서는 찾을 수 없는 느낌이 있다. 영시는 그렇다치고, 그밖의 다른 언어의 시를 읽는것은 참 난감하겠다.  독어까지는 커버할 수 있다. 다행히도. -_-a

꼭 소리내서 읽어보기. 노래하는 것 같다.

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